4200 Tower: Remove the small rectangular access panel on the rear of the scale indicator
by removing the two hex screws holding the panel in place. Flip the red
handled toggle switch (S1) located on the main board just inside the access
port. The scale display will respond by showing the message "AUG --",
indicating that the scale is in the setup mode.
Remove the access panel on the rear of the indicator by removing the six hex
screws holding it in place. Locate the 9-position dip switch (S2) within the
opening (see figure 2). Move switch #9 to the closed position to enterthe
setup mode. The scale display will respond by showing the message "AUG
--", indicating that the scale is in the setup mode.
Loosen the front cover latches and open the front cover. Locate S1 on the
main board using figure 2. Flip S1 to enter the setup mode. The scale
display will respond by showing the message "AUG --", indicating that the
scale is in the setup mode.
The actual programming of the various scale parameters on the 4200 is accomplished by
pushing the UP and DOWN arrow buttons on the front face of the indicator. Pressing the
DOWN arrow causes the parameter shown on left of the display to increment to the next
parameter. Pressing the UP arrow causes the option shown on the right of the display to
increment to the next option (See Figure 4). Each parameter has several options that
affect scale operation.
To change or review parameter option settings, simply step through each parameter by
pressing the DOWN arrow and select the desired option for the parameter by pressing the
UP arrow. If you wish to go back to make changes or review the setup, simply press the
DOWN arrow. The normal programming procedure applies again to change or review this
set up. To calibrate the 4200, refer to Section 7 Calibration.
To return to normal operation, simply flip S1 (or S2-9 for 4200M) back to its original
position. This can be done at any point in the setup menu. It is not necessary to go all the
way through the parameters if there is only one specific change that you want to make.
Simply select the parameter and the desired option when it comes up in the menu, and flip
S1 (or S2) back to the operate position after programming. At this point all setup
parameters are saved in a nonvolatile EEPROM so that they are permanently saved even
when the scale is off.
Section 6 Parameter Setup