Selects the label number. This accomplishes the same thing as pressing the PROD
button on the front panel and using the UP and DOWN arrows to select the label.
Follow the command with the two digit label number -- see examples below. Refer
to the LABEL BUFFER heading later in this section for more information. Note: a
command of 01SL00 will not print any label out.
Sets up the number of label buffers -- this cannot be done via the front panel. Follow
the command with the number of label buffers to set up (two digit number) -- see
examples below. Refer to the LABEL BUFFER information later in this section for
more information.
Examples :
Selects the gross mode on all scales connected to the network.
Selects the net mode on the scale that has the ID set to 5.
Zeros the scale that has the ID selected to 12.
Selects product 12 on scale 01.
Selects label 2 on scale 01.
Sets up 3 label buffers on scale 01.
Data Request Commands
Data Request commands are two-character commands that request the scale to return
data from various registers (overs, unders, tares, etc.). Most commands must be followed
by a two digit number that specifies which register data to send. Remember to precede
each command with the address of the scale, and follow each command with a carriage
Requests an Over value. Follow this command with a two digit number that
specifies which Over value is to be sent.
Requests an Under value. Follow this command with a two digit number that
specifies which Under value is to be sent.
Requests a Tare value. Follow this command with a two digit number that specifies
which Tare value is to be sent.
Requests a Setpoint value. Follow this command with a two digit number that
specifies which Setpoint value is to be sent.
Section 8 Serial Communications