Data Clear Commands
Data Clear commands are two-character commands that clear specified registers (overs,
unders, tares, etc.). All commands except CM must be followed by a two digit number that
specifies which register to clear. Remember to precede each command with the address
of the scale, and follow each command with a carriage return.
Clears the Over value for the specified product.
Clears the Under value for the specified product.
Clears the Tare value for the specified product.
Clears the specified Setpoint value.
Clears the message from the display (see the EM command below).
Clears the Over value for product 12 on scale 01.
Clears the message on the display.
Data Entry Commands
Data Entry commands are two-character commands that enter the specified data into the
specified registers (overs, unders, tares, etc.). The EO, EU, ET, and ES commands must
be followed by the two digit product number (or setpoint number) that is to be updated.
This then must be followed by the polarity of the data (+ or -), and then 5 digits of data. A
decimal point may be included, but it is ignored. The decimal point will be placed
according to where it is placed on the display. For example, if the display is set to read
increments of .01 lb. and the command 01100 was sent, then the Over value for
product 12 would be 11.00. If instead the display was set to read increments of .1 lb, then
the Over value would be set to 110.0. Always send 5 digits of data, using leading zeros to
fill in the higher digits if necessary. Remember to precede each command with the
address of the scale, and follow each command with a carriage return. Note: Units entered
should match the currently selected units.
Enters the specified value into the specified Over register.
Enters the specified value into the specified Under register.
Enters the specified value into the specified Tare register.
Enters the specified value into the specified Setpoint.
Section 8 Serial Communications