and remain disabled until the scale returns to "Startup Gross Zero" (object is removed).
Once the scale returns to "Startup Gross Zero", the data output is re-enabled to transmit
the next stable, nonzero weight.
This differs from the Auto-Print 1 mode in that in "AP1" mode, the scale did not have to
return to zero to re-enable the data output; it simply had to go into motion. The Auto-Print 2
mode is useful with printers or computers where there is a need for a large number of
high quality weight samples with a minimum of operator intervention.
This output mode is very similar to Auto-Print 2. The only difference is that the zero reset
point for enabling transmission is based upon displayed zero rather than "Startup Gross
Zero". This mode is useful to automatically transmit weights when the amount of tare
weight on the scale will vary.
When this data output mode is selected, the last stable acceptable weight will be printed
when the scale returns to zero. This means that when a weight is placed on the platform
and it stabilizes in the ACCEPT range, that weight will be remembered so that when the
weight is removed and the scale returns to zero, the weight will be printed. If weight is
added or removed from the scale and allowed to stabilize, only the last acceptable weight
will be remembered and printed. This is useful when a weight needs to be adjusted while
on the scale, and only the final result is to be printed. If the last stable weight was not
acceptable, no print will take place.
When the data output mode is set to "CNT", the scale will transmit weight data once each
scale update. Since there is no qualification of weight data as to stability or overrange, an
additional status character is transmitted with the weight data. This status character
appears at the end of the message after the last weight unit character and before the
carriage return/line feed.
This output mode is used almost exclusively with computers and data loggers where
real-time monitoring of the weight is necessary.
When the data output mode is set to "tP" the scale will transmit weight data every 10
seconds. This enables the operator to receive almost constant weight printouts on a lesser
scale than the continuous option offers.
Section 8 Serial Communications