Prints the currently selected label using Print Format 13 (see PRINT BUFFER
FORMAT later in this section).
Starts data buffering. This means that whenever a print is requested (either by
pressing the PRINT button, or by the various automatic print modes), the data that
would normally be printed via the printer port is instead sent to a buffer. This data
would then be retrieved by a computer or terminal. The buffer is 256 bytes long, and
since the length of the print formats vary, the number of transactions that can be
buffered is dependent on the print format.
Stops data buffering - data in the buffer will remain intact until the dump command is
Sends (dumps) the entire contents of the transaction buffer to the duplex port and
clears the buffer.
Prints the next data request using the 'P' command to the duplex port instead of the
simplex port. The function resets after the print is completed and must be used for
every 'P' command that is used.
A CTRL+P enables the pass through buffer. Once issued, all characters sent to the
scale will be passed through to port 2 (printer port). Once all the data is sent, a
CTRL+V (^V) is sent without an address to disable the pass-through function. For
example, to send "DORAN" to the printer port, first type "00^P", followed by a
carriage return, then "DORAN", and finally "^V", followed by a carriage return. The
baud rates and parity settings must be the same for both ports to make use of this
Remotely sets the time in a "hh:mm:ss" format, e.g. "00H15:20:40" will set the time
to 15:20:40 or 3:20:40 pm.
Remotely sets the date in a mm/dd/yy format, e.g. "00W10/15/94" will set the date
to 10/15/94 ).
Issues a label buffer command. This must be followed by a buffer formatting
command (see BUFFER FORMATTING COMMANDS later in this section). When
this command is received with a buffer command, data is sent to the simplex port
using the format specified by the buffer command (e.g. '\T' will cause the current
Tare value to print).
Selects the product number. This accomplishes the same thing as
pressing the
PROD button on the front panel and using the UP and DOWN arrows to select the
product. Follow the command with the two digit product number (00 - 99) -- see
examples on next page.
Section 8 Serial Communications