Displays a momentary message on the front panel. Follow the command with the
message, which may be up to 6 characters. The characters must be displayable by
a 7-segment display.
Enters the specified format string into the specified label buffer. Refer to LABEL
BUFFER FORMAT later in this section for more information.
Enters the value of 1.00 into the over register for product 12 (if display
is set for two decimal places).
Enters the value of -1.00 into the over register for product 12.
Enters the value of 50.00 into the tare register for product 00.
Causes the message "AbCdEF" to display on the front panel.
Causes nothing to display since none of the characters specified can
be displayed by 7-segment LED's.
Consecutive Counter Commands
A consecutive counter can be set up with these commands, and then used in the print
buffer to print an increasing or decreasing number on successive labels. The following
commands are used to set up the counter or to reset it to the base number. When setting
up the counter, specify the base number (the number it starts counting from) and the index
(how much the counter increases or decreases each time a label is printed). Also specify
whether the counter is to increase or decrease. The form of the counter commands is as
Sets up the counter to start at XXXXXX and increase
by ZZZZ each time a label is printed (separate the two
numbers with 000).
Sets up the counter to start at XXXXXX and decrease
by ZZZZ each time a label is printed (separate the two
numbers with 000).
Resets the counter to the base XXXXXX specified by
either of the two previous commands.
Section 8 Serial Communications