If net checkweighing is used for this example, the under value would be set to 4.75 lb, and
the over value would be set to 5.25 lb. The empty box would first be placed on the platform
and tared out, and then the filled box would be placed on the platform. The indicator will
then display the actual weight of the produce. If it is between 4.75 lb and 5.25 lb, the
accept lights will illuminate. If the displayed weight is less than 4.75 lb, the under lights will
illuminate. If the weight is greater than 5.25 lb, the over lights will illuminate.
If zero checkweighing is to be used, the under value would be set for -0.25 lb, and the over
value would be set for +0.25 lb. The ideal weight is 5 lb, so a 5 lb weight and an empty box
would be placed on the platform, and the indicator would then be zeroed or tared. The 5 lb
weight and empty box would then be removed, and the filled box of produce placed on the
platform. If the produce weighs exactly 5 lb, then the display will show 0 lb. If it is 5.25 lb,
the display will show 0.25 lb (the display will show how much the produce is over or under
from the ideal weight). If the displayed weight is between -0.25 lb and +0.25 lb, the accept
lights will illuminate, otherwise the over or under lights will illuminate.
Both of these examples had exactly the same effect on the checkweigh display, the only
difference is in the displayed weight. Net checkweighing will allow you to see the actual
weight of the item, while zero checkweighing will allow you to see how much the weight is
off from the ideal weight.
Parameter 11 (tOL) allows the user to specify the method that will be used in entering the
over and under values, and how they will be used to control the checkweigh display. In
each case, the first letter of the option indicates the entry mode, and the following letter(s)
or numbers indicate the bargraph display mode.
The 3 entry modes are: SET (UP or DOWN arrows are used to enter value), PTT (platform
weight is used to enter value), and DIS (value entry is disabled). Options beginning with an
'S' are SET modes, those beginning with a 'P' are PTT modes, and those beginning with a
'd' are DIS modes. Each of these modes is explained fully in Section 4.
The 4 display modes are: 4200 Standard (S42, P42, and d42), Value Per Bar (Sd, Pd,
and dd), Scaled (SS, PS, and dS), and Modified Value Per Bar (SdA, PdA, and ddA).
These are each explained fully on next page.
Section 5 Checkweighing