Data Transmission Modes
Transmission from the 4200 can be initiated in one of 9 ways as follows:
When the data output mode is set to Transmit on Demand (tod), transmission of
data from the printer port is initiated by pressing the PRINT button. Upon pressing PRINT,
weight data will be transmitted provided the scale is stable and not in overload. If either of
these two criteria is not met at the time that the PRINT button is pressed, the request will be
ignored. Meeting these two criteria insures that no erroneous weights are transmitted.
This output mode is used with a printer when only selective samples need be printed.
The Latch on Demand (L.o.d) setting is very similar to the Transmit on Demand setting in
that the transmission of weight data from the 4200 is initiated by
pressing the PRINT
button. The only difference is in the fact that in the Latch on Demand mode, if the weight
reading is in motion or the scale is in overload the print request is "latched" (remembered)
and the data will be transmitted upon the first valid stable weight reading.
The Latch Acceptable Weights (Atd) setting is the same as the Latch on Demand setting,
except that only acceptable weights will be printed. If PRINT is pressed when the scale is
in motion and the weight stabilizes in the ACCEPT range, the weight will be printed. If it
stabilizes in the OVER or UNDER range, the weight will not print.
When the data output mode is set to "AP1", the scale will transmit each stable weight once
and only once each time the scale reading goes into motion. When the scale reading goes
into motion, the data output is enabled to transmit as soon as the weight stabilizes again.
This output mode can be used with either a printer or computer/ data-logger when a
complete sampling of weights is required and a minimum of operator intervention is
When the data output mode is set to "AP2", the scale will transmit stable weights above
gross zero once and only once for each transition from "Startup Gross Zero" (This is the
initial Zero Reading taken when the scale is turned on), to the stable weight. This means
that when an object is placed on the platform, the scale reading will go to the object's
weight and stabilize. At this point the data output will transmit the weight data
Section 8 Serial Communications