Formatting the Label Buffer
To format the buffer, the number of buffers that are to be set up must be sent to the 4200
first. For example, the string "00EB02" will instruct the 4200 to set up 2 buffers for
formatting and will allocate 120 characters to each buffer. Up to 9 buffers may be defined.
Sending the string "00XB" will return the maximum number of buffers currently assigned.
Once the maximum number of buffers is defined, each buffer must be formatted. To format
the buffer, a series of characters must be sent to the 4200 using the list of control codes
listed below. All control codes in the format are prefixed with a '\' character, all other
characters are treated as literal characters and will be printed as such.
For example, send the string: "00EL01Net:\b\N\b\u\r\l" to set up buffer number 1. This
sequence of controls and literals will result in the printing of:
Net: 5.00 lb
(if the net weight = 5.00 lb)
The "Net:" is literally printed, the \b prints a blank, the "\N" instructs the 4200 to print the net
weight next, the \b prints another blank, the "\u" prints the current units, "\r" follows with a
carriage return and the "\l" instructs the 4200 to print a line feed.
Format the second buffer by sending "00EL02Gross:\b\G\b\u\r\l". This will result in the
printing of the following string:
Gross: 5.50 lb
(if the gross weight = 5.50 lb)
To select the label buffer to print, use the PROD button to display the "LBL XX" prompt,
and use the UP or DOWN arrows to select the label (see Section 4). The label can also be
selected by sending the SL command on port 1. For example, 01SL02 will select label
buffer 2.
Label Buffer Control Codes
The following is a list of permissible control codes, all must be prefixed with a '\' to be used
as a control code.
An ASCII '\' will be literally printed (type a double backslash "\\" to print a single
backslash '\').
Prints the consecutive counter and then increments or decrements it (depending on
how it is set up). (See pg 58)
Prints a space (ASCII 32).
Section 8 Serial Communications