IGS-NT-BC, SW Version 1.2.0,
©ComAp – January 2019
IGS-NT-BC-1.2.0 Reference Guide.PDF
fuel efficiency. In other words, an additional gen-set starts when the load of the system raises above certain
level. The additional gen-set stops, when the load of the system drops down below a certain level. The
process of determining gen-set start and stop is done in each controller; there is no "master slave" system.
Therefore, the system is very robust and resistant to failures of any unit in the system. Each of the controllers
can be switched off without influencing the whole system. Except the situation the respective gen-set is not
available for the power management.
The power management evaluates so called load reserve. The load reserve is calculated as difference
between actual load and nominal power of running gen-sets. The reserve is calculated as absolute value (in
kW / kVA) or relatively to the nominal power of gen-set(s) (in %). The setpoint
Pwr management:
mgmt mode
is used to select the absolute or relative mode.
The automatic priority swapping function focuses on efficient run of gen-set in regards to running hours and
gen-set size.
The function of the controller is designed to handle the maximum sum of nominal power at 32000kW
(3200.0kW, 320.00MW depending on the power format in the controller). If the sum of nominal power of all
gen-sets connected to the intercontroller CAN exceeds these values the power format needs to be changed
Example: There are 20 gen-sets each with 2000kW of nominal power. The sum of the nominal power is
40000kW. Therefore the power format in kW cannot be used because the sum exceeds 32767. Therefore
power format in MW needs to be chosen because the sum in MW is 40MW (it does not exceeds 320.00MW).
In the system with Bank Controller the power management is performed on two lovels, because the system
consists of several independent groups of gen-sets (CAN segments). The Bank Controller distributes the
data necessary for load sharing and VAr sharing among all the subordinated gen-set groups (CAN
segments) to ensure the equal distribution of the load. On the top of it it performs the inter bank
powermanagement. In the same time the second level of power management is performed between the
subordinated gen-sets inside the bank to provide the requested portion of power and requested load reserve
(not oll the gen-sets inside the bank are needed to be running simultaneously.
1. 1.
Powermanagement inside the bank
The powermanagement inside the bank (the power management between the subordinated gen-sets)
respects the general principles of standard power management in standard MINT application, however it is
partly limited on this level, because some functionalities is performed on the level of inter bank
powermanagement and would be duplicated.
The setpoints for setting of load reserves has been removed.
Relative and kVA mode is not supported.
Control Groups settings has been removed.
The Powermanagement inside the bank ensures:
Starting and stopping of subordinated gen-sets according to the system load and the requested load
Priority Autoswap function inside the bank
“EFFICIENT” modes to ensure the most efficient combination of the gen-sets inside the bank to be
running and equalization of run hours among all the gensets inside the bank.
2. 1.
Interbank powermanagement
The interbank power management works the same way like the standard MINT application. Starting and
stopping of particular banks is always based on priorities,actual systemload and actual set of load reserves.
The powermanagement can run in Absolute or Relative mode (like describes in
Figure: Power
management based on absolute load reserve
Figure: Power management based on relative
load reserve
) selectable by the setpoint
Pwr management:
#Pwr mgmt mode
In the Absolute mode the power management can be evaluated based on the kW or kVA value
Pwr management:
#Pwr mgmt mode
The banks are started or stopped based on priorities (setpoint
Pwr management:
) when
Pwr management:
#PriorAutoSwap = DISABLED
The actual priority of each bank can be changed by the power management to equalize the run
hours of the banks
Pwr management:
#PriorAutoSwap = RUN HOURS EQU
. (each bank counts