ET685 Administrator and Provisioning Manual
<TEMPLATE MATCH="0" Timeout="1" User="Phone"/>
<TEMPLATE MATCH="9,011*" Timeout="6" User="Phone"/>
<TEMPLATE MATCH="9,0" Timeout="1" User="Phone"/>
<TEMPLATE MATCH="9,11" Timeout="0" User="Phone" Rewrite="9911"/>
<TEMPLATE MATCH="9,.11" Timeout="0" User="Phone"/>
<TEMPLATE MATCH="9,101..............." Timeout="0" User="Phone"/>
<TEMPLATE MATCH="9,10.............." Timeout="0" User="Phone"/>
<TEMPLATE MATCH="9,10*" Timeout="6" User="Phone"/>
<TEMPLATE MATCH="9,1.........." Timeout="0" User="Phone"/>
<TEMPLATE MATCH="9,......." Timeout="0" User="Phone"/>
<TEMPLATE MATCH="*" Timeout="15"/>
Level 1
Element: dialplan
Attributes: e
e="2" defines that unicode-values inside xml-escapes (e.g. & # 6 4 ;) may be
greater than 255.
Level 2
is the dial pattern to match. While entering the pattern:
numbers 0-9, * and # represent the keys on the phone that are entered. Use a
period (.) to match any key. An asterisk (*) at the very end of the pattern matches
one or more characters. Matching just the * key without interference with the
wildcard character is done by escaping it with a backslash "\*". To have the phone
generate a secondary dial tone when the part of the template matches, use a
comma (,).
is the number of seconds before a timeout will occur and the
number will be dialed as entered by the user. To have the number dial immediately,
specify 0.
is the either IP or Phone. Enter User=phone or User=IP to have the
tag automatically added to the dialed number. Currently User=phone is supported.
is the alternate string to be dialed instead of what the user
enters. This field can be left empty.
is the identity that is used to establish the call. If no identity is
given, the active identity is used.
If desired, specify at the end of each string where comment defines the type of plan (for
example, Long Distance or Corporate Dial Plan).
Special note on dialplan nomenclature:
1. The special characters supported in 'match' include '.' for any digit between 0-9.