Web User Interface (WebUI) Reference
ET685 Administrator and Provisioning Manual
Dynamic RTP port stop
If you want to set up the port range out of which the RTP
ports will be dynamically taken, specify the end port number
in this field.
DTMF Payload Type
Set up the payload type for Out-of-Band DTMF here The
default setting is 101. This can be an arbitrary 8-bit value as
long as the involved communication partners are both using
the same value. Since 8.7.2 this setting is only available on
MP, the other phone-models can handle all sorts of
incoming dtmf-codec numbers (dynamic codec assignment)
making this setting obsolete.
RTCP Support
If enabled, the phone uses the Real Time Control Protocol
(RTCP) to measure the quality of the audio (RTP) streams.
This setting does not affect the RTCP XR functionality (for
RTCP XR you must set rtcp_xr and vq_report_collector)
RTP Keepalive
On a hold call the phone sends out STUN packets to keep
the RTP port open by default. Set this setting to off to switch
this behaviour off.
Multicast Support
If enabled, the phone receives RTP G.711 u-law (20 ms)
packets sent to the given multicast addresses and plays
them out. It can be used for listening, in handsfree mode, for
streaming audio broadcasts or public announcements etc.
Zone (1-10) - Name
The name of the multicast zone is specified as an option:
name=<zone name>