ET685 Administrator and Provisioning Manual
These are the function key index (fkey idx) ranges on ET685 phones with USB
ports for all ET6 expansion modules:
Self-labeling keys on ET685 phone:
Page 1: 0-5
Page 2: 6-11
Page 3: 12-17
Page 4: 18-23
ET6 USB expansion modules (UXM):
Module 1: 24-41
Module 2: 42-5
Module 3: 60-77
string assigns the function key to a SIP Identity (1 to 12) registered on the
phone. “Active” assigns the current active identity to that function key.
string defines the short label to be used to describe the fkey.
string defines if long press of the fkey on the phone can be used to display the
fkey’s configuration menu. Default value is “on”. NOTE: Value must be set to “off”
for the functions Push2Talk (p2t) and Line Info Layer. When setting a value that is
not the default value for this setting you have to also add clp="1".
string defines what to show as decription for a key that has neither its
fkey_label setting set nor an XML-description that provides a label.
This attribute is optional and applicable only to self-labeling keys. It has no effect
when the key is not self-labeling. When omitted on a self-labeling key,
label_default_text remains unchanged.
You may define any arbitrary fixed text, but note that there are three key words that
allow to insert dynamic information related to the key:
$name :
on a (shared) line key:
when there is an active call on the key:
the remote name (or number if no name is available) is inserted
when there is no active call:
when context is 'active' and $type is not also included:
the key type is inserted
when context is a specific identity:
the local name or number is inserted
on other keys: