Web User Interface (WebUI) Reference
ET685 Administrator and Provisioning Manual
This setting specifies the LDAP search base (the
distinguished name of the search base object) which
corresponds to the location in the directory from which the
LDAP search is requested to begin. The search base
narrows the search scope and decreases directory lookup
time. If you have multiple organizational units in your
directory (for example, OU=Sales in O=COMPANY and
OU=Development in O=COMPANY), but the OU=Sales
organization never uses AOL AIM, you can restrict the
lookup to the OU=Development subtree only by entering
providing the following search base: OU=Development,
This setting specifies the bind “Username” for LDAP
servers. Most LDAP servers allow anonymous binds in
which case the setting can be left blank. However if the
LDAP server does not allow anonymous binds, you will
need to provide the Username and Password allowed to
query the LDAP server.
This setting specifies the bind “Password” for LDAP servers.
VTech phones use “simple” authentication scheme for bind
requests. This setting can be left blank in case the server
allows anonymous binds. Otherwise you will need to provide
the Password along with the Username in order to access
the LDAP server.
Max. Hits
This setting specifies the maximum number of search
results to be returned by the LDAP server. Please note that
a very large value of the “Max. Hits” will slow down the LDAP
lookup, therefore the setting should be configured according
to the available bandwidth. The default value for this setting
is 50.
LDAP name attributes
This setting can be used to specify the “name” attributes of
each record which are to be returned in the LDAP search
results. This setting compresses the search results, as the
server only returns the attributes which are requested by the
VTech phone. The setting allows the user to configure
multiple space separated name attributes. Please consult
your system administrator regarding which name attributes
are to be configured.