Detectors – Pulsed Flame Photometric Detector (PFPD)
Detectors – Pulsed Flame Photometric Detector (PFPD)
Page: 358
User Manual
Manual 450-GC
Varian, Inc.
1. Turn the
Turn the column oven
column oven OFF
OFF to
to stop the
stop the oven
oven fan.
2. Open the
Open the column oven
column oven door and
door and wait for the
wait for the column to
column to cool to
cool to room
temperature (or to a temperature at which you
temperature (or to a temperature at which you can comfortably handle the
can comfortably handle the
3. Turn OFF
Turn OFF the PFPD e
the PFPD electronics and
lectronics and oven pow
oven power and a
er and allow detecto
llow detector to cool
r to cool
to near room
to near room temperature.
4. Remove
Remove the De
the Detector co
tector cover from
ver from the top
the top of the
of the GC.
5. Before using
Before using, thoroug
, thoroughly clean
hly clean the 9/64"
the 9/64" Allen wrench
Allen wrench, 1/4" wrenc
, 1/4" wrench, Teflon
h, Teflon
combustor extraction device and Teflon tweezer with
combustor extraction device and Teflon tweezer with methanol or iso-
methanol or iso-
propanol. Set these tools aside on a clean lab tissue.
propanol. Set these tools aside on a clean lab tissue.
NOTE: Dust and
Dust and dirt inside the
dirt inside the combustor can interfere
combustor can interfere with emission
with emission
and thereby lower the sensitivity of the PFPD. Therefore, never touch
and thereby lower the sensitivity of the PFPD. Therefore, never touch
the internal parts of the PFPD with bare hands. Always use a clean lab
the internal parts of the PFPD with bare hands. Always use a clean lab
tissue, Teflon combustor extraction device, or Teflon tweezer to
tissue, Teflon combustor extraction device, or Teflon tweezer to
remove or replace detector parts. Place parts on a clean lab tissue as
remove or replace detector parts. Place parts on a clean lab tissue as
they are removed from the PFPD.
they are removed from the PFPD.
6. Use the 9
Use the 9/64" Allen
/64" Allen wrench to
wrench to remove the
remove the 2 Allen scre
2 Allen screws (Item 15)
ws (Item 15) from the
from the
top of the igniter cap (Item 3). Place the Allen screws on a
top of the igniter cap (Item 3). Place the Allen screws on a clean lab tissue.
clean lab tissue.
The igniter cap a
The igniter cap and All
nd All en screws may be very hot. Wa
en screws may be very hot. Wait unt
it unt il the igni
il the igni ter
cap and Allen scr
cap and Allen scr ews have cooled or use metal forceps
ews have cooled or use metal forceps to remove the
to remove the
Al len
len sc
sc rew
rews f
s f ro
rom t
m t he i
he ign
it er c
er cap.
7. Use the m
Use the metal forceps
etal forceps to lift the
to lift the igniter cap
igniter cap (item 3) from
(item 3) from the detecto
the detector tower
r tower
(Item 4).
(Item 4).
Place the igniter cap bottom up
Place the igniter cap bottom up
on a clean surface (e.g., a clean
on a clean surface (e.g., a clean
lab tissue). The top of the quartz combustor (Item 5) is visible in the center
lab tissue). The top of the quartz combustor (Item 5) is visible in the center
of the detector tower.
of the detector tower.
The igniter ca
The igniter cap may be very hot. Wait until
p may be very hot. Wait until the igniter cap has cooled or
the igniter cap has cooled or
use meta
use metal forceps t
l forceps t o remove the igniter cap from t
o remove the igniter cap from t he dete
he detector b
ctor b ody.
8. Gently in
Gently insert the
sert the appropriat
appropriate Teflon
e Teflon combustor
combustor extraction d
extraction device into
evice into the
opening in the top of the
opening in the top of the combustor. Wait 2-3 seconds for the Teflon
combustor. Wait 2-3 seconds for the Teflon
combustor extraction device to seat, then lift the
combustor extraction device to seat, then lift the quartz combustor from the
quartz combustor from the
combustor support (Item 8). Place the quartz combustor on a
combustor support (Item 8). Place the quartz combustor on a clean surface
clean surface
(e.g., a clean lab tissue).
(e.g., a clean lab tissue).
9. Use the me
Use the metal forceps
tal forceps to remove
to remove the top a
the top aluminum cru
luminum crunch wash
nch washer (Item 13
er (Item 13))
from the detector tower. Discard this
from the detector tower. Discard this used crunch washer.
used crunch washer.
Summary of Contents for 450-GC
Page 92: ...AutoSamplers Page 152 User Manual 450 GC Varian Inc...
Page 144: ...Detectors Flame Ionization Detector FID Page 294 User Manual 450 GC Varian Inc...
Page 177: ...Maintenance Page 438 User Manual 450 GC Varian Inc...
Page 179: ...Shipping Cleaning and Disposal Instructions Page 440 User Manual 450 GC Varian Inc...
Page 201: ......