gigabyte (GB):
A unit of data storage equal to 1,073,741,824 bytes (1024 x 1024 x 1024
bytes). See also
Information presented as drawings, pictures, or other images, such as charts or
A conductor to which all components of an electric circuit are connected. It is
connected to the earth and is
the point of reference for voltages in the circuit.
GUI (Graphical User Interface):
A user interface that uses a mouse and a bit-mapped
graphics display to make basic computer operations substantially easier for the
user. Standard features include message boxes, a clipboard, dialog boxes,
scroll boxes, WYSIWYG (what-you-see-is-what-you-get) on-screen page
presentation, and multiple on-screen windows.
half duplex:
A type of data transmission in which data flows between two devices in one
direction at a time. See also
full duplex
Eight small boxes that appear around a graphical object when you select it. You
can use the handles to change the size and shape of the object. Dragging the
middle handle on one side of an object stretches or shrinks the object in that
direction, changing its shape as well as its size. Dragging a corner handle
makes the object larger or smaller while preserving its shape.
hard disk:
A storage device composed of a rigid platter or platters that store information
magnetically. Hard disks hold much more information than diskettes and are
used for the long-term storage of programs and data. The primary (or only)
hard disk in a personal computer is usually fixed, but some computers have
secondary hard disks that are removable. In a server, all hard disks may be
removable. By default, the primary hard disk is referred to as drive C.
The physical, electronic, and mechanical components of a computer system,
including devices such as a screen, disk drive, printer, mouse, and processor.