Command Syntax: :SYSTem:TIME:MINute <value>
Shorthand for command: :SYST:TIME:MIN <value>
Command description: This command is used to set the minute of the system time. <value> ranges from 0
to 59
Command Syntax: :SYSTem:TIME:MINute?
Shorthand for command: :SYST:TIME:MIN?
Command description: This command is used to query the minute of the system time. Returns <value> , it
is 0~59.
Command Syntax: :SYSTem:TIME:SECond <value>
Shorthand for command: :SYST:TIME:SEC <value>
Command description: This command is used to set the second of the system time. <value> ranges from 0
to 59
Command Syntax: :SYSTem:TIME:SECond?
Shorthand for command: :SYST:TIME:SEC?
Command description: This command is used to query the second of the system time. Returns <value> , it
is 0~59. :SYST:PLC
Command Syntax: :SYSTem:PLC ON or :SYSTem:PLC 1
Shorthand for command: :SYST:PLC ON or :SYST:PLC 1
Command description: This command is used to turn on remote control.
Command Syntax: :SYSTem:PLC OFF or :SYSTem:PLC 0
Shorthand for command: :SYST:PLC OFF or :SYST:PLC 0
Command description: This command is used to turn off remote control.
Command Syntax: :SYSTem:PLC?
Shorthand for command: :SYST:PLC?
Command description: This command is used to query the status of programmable logic control. :SYST:LS
Command Syntax: :SYSTem:LastState ON or :SYSTem:LastState 1
Shorthand for command: :SYST:LS ON or :SYST:LS 1
Command description: This command is used to keep the last power on state.
Command Syntax: :SYSTem:LastState OFF or :SYSTem:LastState 0
Shorthand for command: :SYST:LS OFF or :SYST:LS 0
Summary of Contents for TH7105
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