Terumo Ultimaster Tansei Operator'S Manual Download Page 12



Ultimaster Tansei Sirolimus Eluting Coronary Stent System is indicated for improving myocardial blood flow in patients with stenotic lesions in 

coronary arteries, including but not limited to patients with STEMI, NSTEMI, acute coronary syndrome, diabetes mellitus, multivessel disease, 

bifurcation lesions, patients older than 65 years, male and female patients, patients with totally occluded lesions, long lesions, lesions residing in 

small coronary vessels, restenotic lesions including in-stent restenosis, ostial lesions, lesions in left main coronary artery.

The Ultimaster Tansei stent system is suitable for both femoral and radial approach.



• Patients in whom anti-platelet and/or anti-coagulant therapy is contraindicated.

• Patients with lesion(s) that prevents complete inflation of an angioplasty balloon.

• Patients with known allergy to L605 cobalt-chromium alloy.

• Patients with known allergy to nickel.

• Patients with known hypersensitivity to sirolimus or its structurally related compounds.

• Patients with known hypersensitivity to lactide polymers and caprolactone polymers.

• Patients with known hypersensitivity to contrast agent that cannot be controlled prophylactically prior to Ultimaster Tansei Sirolimus Eluting 

Coronary Stent implantation. 

• Patients with extreme vessel tortuosity that may impair stent placement.


• It is strongly recommended not to implant stent in women who are pregnant.

• Effects of sirolimus during lactation have not been evaluated, therefore it is strongly recommended to avoid breast feeding when this stent is 



• Judicious selection of patients is necessary since Percutaneous Coronary Intervention with the use of stents carries the risk of stent 

thrombosis, vascular complications and/or bleeding events. Hence patients should be maintained on clinically adequate post-procedural 

antiplatelet therapy (aspirin and thienopyridine, or appropriate antiplatelet agents).

• Only physicians who have received appropriate training should perform implantation of the stent.

• Any advancement after introduction of the delivery catheter into the vessel should be done under high resolution fluoroscopy. When resistance 

is felt during manipulation, determine the cause of the resistance before proceeding.

• Proper judgment is necessary to select lesion for direct stenting since insufficiently prepared lesion may lead to stent dislodgement.  

• Ensure that the aluminium pack and blister pouch have not been damaged or opened as this may compromise the stability and the sterile 



The device is packed under oxygen free conditions.

Aluminium pack includes an oxygen absorber and a desiccant. Discard them without opening.

After opening the aluminium pack, use the device within 12 hours.

Do not store the device in the blister pouch.

Stent Handling – Precautions

• For single use only. Do not reuse. Do not resterilize. Do not reprocess. Reprocessing may compromise the sterility, biocompatibility and 

functional integrity of the device.

• Do not use a device that has reached or exceeded its expiry date.

• Ensure that the blister pouch has not been damaged or opened as this may compromise the sterile barrier.

• Use immediately after opening the blister pouch. 

• The entire operation should be carried out aseptically. 

• Do not use if the stent is exposed to abnormal rubbing or contact with objects other than the guiding catheter or opened hemostatic valve prior 

to implant.

• Do not rub or scrape the stent coating.

• Do not displace or remove stent on or from its delivery system as it may damage the stent and/or lead to stent embolization. Stent system is 

intended to perform as a system.

• Stent should not be used in conjunction with other delivery systems.

• Delivery system should not be used in conjunction with other stents.

• Special care must be taken not to handle or in any way disrupt the stent on the balloon. This is most important during catheter removal from 

packaging, catheter removal from holder, removal of protector sheath from stent, catheter placement over guide wire and advancement through 

rotating hemostatic valve adapter and guiding catheter hub.

• Do not “roll” the mounted stent with your fingers as this action may loosen the stent from the delivery balloon.

• Do not expose system to organic solvent. Use only the appropriate balloon inflation media. Do not use air or any gaseous medium to inflate the 

balloon as this may cause uneven expansion and difficulty in deployment of the stent.

• Do not attempt to straighten the proximal shaft (hypotube) as it may cause the catheter to break if it is accidentally bent.

• Exposing the stent to fluids before implantation is not recommended. Exposure to fluids prior to implantation may result in premature release of drug.

Stent Placement – Precautions

• Do not introduce negative pressure, or pre-inflate delivery system prior to stent deployment other than as directed. 

• Always select an appropriate size of the stent as an undersized stent may result in inadequate expansion of the lesion while an oversized stent 

may lead to inadequate expansion of the stent or damage to the vessel wall. 

• Always verify whether the stent is well apposed against vessel wall because incomplete stent apposition may lead to stent thrombosis.

• When treating multiple lesions in the same vessel, stent the distal lesion prior to stenting the proximal lesion. Stenting in this order avoids 

crossing the proximal stent with the distal stent and reduces the chances for dislodgement.

• Do not expand the stent if it is not properly positioned in the vessel. (See Stent System Removal – Precautions)

• Placement of a stent has the potential to compromise side branch patency.

• Do not exceed rated burst pressure as indicated on the device label. Use of pressure higher than specified may result in balloon rupture with 

possible intimal damage and dissection.

• An unexpanded stent may be retracted into the guiding catheter one time only. Subsequent movement in and out through the distal end of the 

guiding catheter should not be performed as the stent may be damaged or dislocated. In case of stent dislodgement, stent retrieval methods 

(use of additional wires, snares and/or forceps) may result in additional trauma to the coronary vasculature and/or the vascular access site. 

Complication may include bleeding, hematoma or pseudoaneurysm.

Stent / System Removal - Precautions

Stent introduction into the coronary artery is limited to one time only as dislodgement may occur.

Should unusual resistance be felt at any time during either lesion access or removal of the stent delivery system pre-stent implantation, carefully 

attempt to pull the stent delivery system back through the guiding catheter. If resistance is felt in doing so, or if resistance is felt during the 

removal of the stent delivery system post-stent deployment, the delivery system and guiding catheter must be removed as a single unit.
When removing the delivery system and guiding catheter as a single unit:

• Do not attempt to retract an unexpanded stent into the guiding catheter while engaged in the coronary arteries. Stent damage or dislodgement 

may occur.

• Position the proximal balloon marker just distal to the tip of the guiding catheter.

• Advance the guide wire into the coronary anatomy as far distally as safely possible.

• Tighten the rotating hemostatic valve to secure the delivery system to the guiding catheter, then remove the guiding catheter and delivery 

system as a single unit.

• Failure to follow these steps and/or applying excessive force to the delivery system can potentially result in stent dislodgement or damage to 

the stent and/or delivery system components.

• It is necessary to retain guide wire position for subsequent artery/lesion access, leave the guide wire in place and remove all other system 


Post Implant - Precautions

• Care must be exercised when crossing a newly deployed stent with a coronary guide wire, IVUS catheter, OCT catheter, balloon or other stent 

delivery system to avoid disruption of the stent geometry. 

• Patients should be maintained on clinically adequate post-procedural antiplatelet therapy (aspirine, thienopyridine or other appropriate 

antiplatelet agents) according to the current guidelines. In case of need, dual antiplatelet therapy can be discontinued earlier, but not before 

one month.

• Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

Non-clinical testing has demonstrated the Ultimaster Sirolimus Eluting Coronary Stent, overlapped configuration (max. 2 stents × max. OD4mm 

× 38mm = 73.6mm total length) is MR conditional.

It can be scanned safely under the following conditions:

MR Conditional for 

• static magnetic field of 1.5 Tesla and 3 Tesla only, with

• spatial gradient field of 36 T/m and less

• spatial gradient field product of 99 T2/m and less

• theoretically estimated maximum whole body averaged (WBA) specific absorption rate (SAR) of

< 2 W/kg at 1.5 Tesla, (related to 3.6°C temperature increase; allowable level in accordance with CEM43 concept), 73.6 x 4.0 mm, overlapped 


< 2 W/kg at 3 Tesla, (related to 3.6°C temperature increase; allowable level in accordance with CEM43 concept), 73.6 x 4.0 mm, overlapped 


for 15 minutes of continuous MR scanning.

Temperatures and SAR have been derived from computer modeling with human realistic anatomy (no cooling effects considered).

In non-clinical worst-case phantom testing the Ultimaster Sirolimus Eluting Coronary Stent, overlapped configuration (max. 73.6 x 4.0 mm) 

produced a temperature rise of less than 5.2°C (with a background temperature increase of ≈1.1°C) at a maximum whole body averaged specific 

absorption rate (SAR) of ≈ 2.3 W/kg assessed by calorimetry for 15 min. of continuous MR scanning with whole body coil in a 1.5 Tesla Intera, 

Philips Medical Systems (Software: Release, 2012-11-05) MR Scanner.
In non-clinical worst-case phantom testing the Ultimaster Sirolimus Eluting Coronary Stent, overlapped configuration (max. 73.6 x 4.0 mm) 

produced a temperature rise of less than 10.1°C (with a background temperature increase of ≈2.4°C) at a maximum whole body averaged 

specific absorption rate (SAR) of ≈ 2.1 W/kg assessed by calorimetry for 15 min. of continuous MR scanning with whole body coil in a 3 Tesla 

Magnetom Trio, Siemens Medical Solutions (Software: Numaris/4, syngo MR A30) MR Scanner.
The Ultimaster Sirolimus Eluting Coronary Stents have not been tested in simultaneous combination with other devices.
MR image quality is compromised if the area of interest is in the same area or relatively close to the position of the device. Therefore, it may be 

necessary to optimize MR imaging parameters for the presence of this implant.
The results referenced above are obtained from Ultimaster Sirolimus Eluting Coronary Stent evaluation tests. The stent of Ultimaster Tansei 

Sirolimus Eluting Coronary Stent System is identical to the Ultimaster Sirolimus Eluting Coronary Stent.





The risks and benefits of Sirolimus-eluting stent should be considered for each patient before (using) implanting Ultimaster Tansei Sirolimus 

Eluting Coronary Stent. Physicians are responsible for assessing patient appropriateness for undergoing stent implantation prior to procedure.


Inspection Prior to Use

• Carefully inspect the stent delivery system package for damage to the sterile barrier. Prior to using the Stent System, carefully remove the 

system from the package and inspect for bends, kinks, and other damage. 

Materials Required / Quantity Material.

• Appropriate guiding catheter (minimum inner diameter of guiding catheter is 1.42mm (0.056”))

• 2 – 3 syringes (10 – 20 ml)

• 1,000 u/500 ml Heparinized Normal Saline (HepNS)

• 0.36 mm (0.014”) x 175 cm (minimum length) guide wire

• Rotating hemostatic valve with appropriate minimum inner diameter [2.44 mm (0.096”)]

• Diluted contrast medium 1:1 with heparinized normal saline (HepNS)

• Inflation device

• Pre-deployment dilatation catheter

• Three-way stopcock

• Torque device

• Guide wire introducer

• Appropriate arterial sheath

• Appropriate anticoagulation and antiplatelet drugs


Guide wire Lumen Flush

Step Action

1. Carefully remove the stent system from its holder, then remove the stent protector sheath from over the stent.

Carefully slide off the protector sheath from the stent by fixing the sheath at the distal end between the thumb and finger while 

gently pulling sheath and attached stylet.


2. Verify that the stent is centered on the balloon and located between the radiopaque balloon markers.

Do not use if any defects are noted.

3. Flush the guide wire lumen with HepNS using the flushing needle supplied with Ultimaster Tansei stent system. Insert the flushing needle into 

the tip of the catheter and flush until solution exits the guide wire port. 

Avoid manipulating the stent while flushing the guide wire lumen as this may dislocate the stent on the balloon.

Delivery Procedure

Step Action 

1. Prepare vascular access site according to standard practice.

2. Predilate lesion with PTCA catheter.

3. Remove the PTCA catheter.

4. Open rotating hemostatic valve on the guiding catheter as widely as possible.

5. Backload Delivery System onto proximal portion of guide wire while maintaining guide wire position across target lesion.

Confirm that the guide wire OD does not exceed 0.36 mm (0.014”). If a large size guide wire has been used, exchange the wire 

in the standard manner.




6. Advance stent Delivery System over guide wire to target lesion. Utilize radiopaque balloon markers to position stent across lesion: perform 

angiography to confirm stent position.

Take care not to damage the delivery catheter and stent when advancing the delivery catheter over the guide wire.

Deployment Procedure

Step Action

1. Before deployment reconfirm the correct position of the stent relative to the target lesion via the catheter markers. 

2. Attach the inflation device to the delivery catheter hub and apply negative pressure to purge the balloon of air.

3. Under fluoroscopic visualization, inflate the balloon to at least nominal pressure and maintain for 15-30 seconds to deploy the stent but do not 

exceed the labeled rated burst pressure (see label on packaging or enclosed compliance sheet). 

4. Optimal expansion requires the stent to be in full contact with the artery wall, and with the stent internal diameter matching the size of the reference 

vessel diameter.

5. Stent wall contact should be verified through routine angiography or intravascular ultrasound.

6. Deflate the balloon by pulling a vacuum with the inflation device. Make sure the balloon is fully deflated before any attempted movement of the 


7. Confirm adequate stent expansion by angiographic injection through the guiding catheter.
Removal Procedure

Step Action

1. Ensure balloon is fully deflated.

2. Fully open rotating hemostatic valve.

3. While maintaining guide wire position, withdraw Stent Delivery System. 

Note: Should unusual resistance be felt at any time during either lesion access or removal of the stent delivery system before stent 

implantation, the entire system should be removed. See stent/System Removal – Precautions section for specific stent delivery system 

removal instructions.

4. Tighten rotating hemostatic valve.

5. Repeat angiography to assess stented area. If an adequate expansion has not been obtained, exchange back to the Rapid Exchange Delivery 

Catheter or exchange to another balloon catheter of appropriate balloon diameter to achieve proper stent apposition to the vessel wall.

The Ultimaster Tansei Sirolimus Eluting Coronary Stent should not be expanded to a diameter beyond 0.5 mm of its nominal expansion. 

6. Final stent diameter should match reference vessel diameter. 

6Fr Compatibility – Any combination of one Ultimaster Tansei Sirolimus Eluting Coronary Stent System (I.D. 2.25mm – 4.0mm) and one Hiryu® 

(2.25mm-4.00mm)  or one Accuforce® (2.00mm-4.00mm)  PTCA balloon catheter can be used simultaneously within a 6Fr (I.D:1.8mm) guiding 


The technique can be performed as per the instructions listed below:

1. Insert Ultimaster Tansei Sirolimus Eluting Coronary Stent System using the instructions provided.

2. Insert one Hiryu or one Accuforce balloon catheter, track to the target site and inflate the balloon.

3. Removing the catheters: Remove one catheter and its associated guide wire completely prior to removing the other catheter and its associated 

guide wire.

Care should be taken when introducing, torquing and removing one or both devices to avoid entanglement.

Drugs that act through the same binding protein (FKBP) may interfere with the efficacy of sirolimus.
Sirolimus is metabolized by CYP3A4. Strong inhibitors of CYP3A4 (e.g. ketoconazole) might cause increased sirolimus exposure to levels 

associated with systemic effects, especially if multiple stents are deployed. Systemic exposure of sirolimus should also be taken into 

consideration if the patient is treated concomitantly with systemic immunosuppressive therapy.

Based on the results of the human pharmacokinetic study, the systemic effect of sirolimus after single stent implantation is considered negligible.  




• Abrupt vessel closure 

• Acute myocardial infarction

• Allergic reaction to anti-coagulation and/or anti-thrombotic therapy, contrast 

material, or stent and/or delivery system materials or any other PCI 

mandatory medication

• Aneurysm

• Arrhythmias, including ventricular fibrillation and ventricular tachycardia

• Arteriovenous fistula

• Cardiac tamponade

• Cardiogenic shock

• Death

• Emboli, distal (air, tissue or thrombotic emboli)

• Emergent Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery

• Failure to deliver the stent to the intended site

• Fever

• Hematoma

• Hemorrhage, requiring transfusion

• Hypotension / Hypertension

• Infection and pain at insertion site

• Ischemia, myocardial

• Myocardial infarction

• Nausea and vomiting 

• Prolonged angina

• Pseudoaneurysm

• Renal failure

• Restenosis of stented segment

• Rupture of native and bypass graft

• Stent compression

• Stent embolization

• Stent migration  

• Stent thrombosis / occlusion

• Stroke / cerebrovascular accident

• Thrombosis (acute, subacute, or late)

• Total occlusion of coronary artery

• Unstable or stable angina pectoris

• Vessel dissection

• Vessel perforation

• Vessel spasm

Potential adverse events that may be associated with sirolimus drug and polymer coating. Sirolimus administration is limited to intra-coronary 

stent delivery. Therefore adverse events are not fully characterized but are considered to be consistent to those noted in sirolimus oral 

administration including:   

• Abnormal liver function tests

• Anemia

• Arthralgias

• Changes in lipid metabolism which may include hypertriglyceridemia or hypercholesterolemia

• Diarrhea

• Hypersensitivity to the drug (sirolimus or its excipients) or to the polymer (or individual components) including anaphylactic / anaphylactoid type 

of reactions

• Hypokalemia

• Immune suppression, especially in patients with hepatic insufficiency or who are taking medications that inhibit CYP3A4 or P-glycoprotein

• Infections

• Interstitial lung disease

• Leukopenia

• Lymphoma and other malignancies

• Myalgia

• Thrombocytopenia

Because of the low systemic exposure to sirolimus after stent implantation, it is very unlikely that any of the adverse events (apart from 

hypersensitivity reaction) associated with oral administration of sirolimus, will occur.


STERILE AND NON PYROGENIC in undamaged and unopened blister pouch. This device is sterilized by e-beam.

CONTENTS: One Terumo balloon expandable, Sirolimus Eluting coronary stent mounted on a rapid exchange 

delivery system. One Flushing needle.

STORAGE: Store between 1 and 30°C.

DISPOSAL: After use dispose of delivery system in accordance with local regulations. 

Potential adverse events associated with coronary stent placement include but are not limited to:




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Summary of Contents for Ultimaster Tansei

Page 1: ...ster Tansei Ultimaster Tansei System Stentu Wie cowego Uwalniaj cego Lek Sirolimus Ultimaster Tansei Ultimaster Tansei Sirolimus kibocs t Koron ria Sztent Rendszer Koron rn stentov syst m Ultimaster T...

Page 2: ...Nicht resterilisieren No reesterilizar N o reesterilizar Non risterilizzare Niet opnieuw steriliseren F r ej omsteriliseras M ikke resteriliseres M ikke resteriliseres Ei saa uudelleen steriloida Nie...

Page 3: ...minaler Medikamentenbeschichtung Mischung aus Sirolimus und Poly D L lactid co caprolacton der auf einen semiflexiblen Hochdruckballonkatheter vormontiert ist DESCRIPCI N DEL PRODUCTO El sistema de st...

Page 4: ...de suporte Tubo di Supporto tubo Stentbeschermingshuls H llarr r Holder r Holderslange Pidikeletku Rurka uchwytu T rol cs dr k trubice Hadi ka dr iaka Tutucu t p Toruhoidik Tur t ja caurul te Laikikli...

Page 5: ...ie Oberfl che des Katheters ist teilweise mit einer hydrophilen Polymerschicht ummantelt die bei N sse Gleitf higkeit erzeugt STENT PLATFORM Die Stentplatform des Ultimaster Tansei Sirolimus eluierend...

Page 6: ...binder vid och inhiberar aktivering av mTOR mammalian Target Of Rapamycin ett viktigt regulatoriskt kinas Denna inhibering h mmar cytokindriven T cellsproliferation och inhiberar progressionen fr n G...

Page 7: ...j przy u yciu stentu wie cowego uwalniaj cego lek Sirolimus Ultimaster Tansei POLIMERY DEGRADOWALNE SK ADNIKI NIEAKTYWNE Stent wie cowy uwalniaj cy lek Sirolimus Ultimaster Tansei ma pow ok sk adaj c...

Page 8: ...at sisestatakse kateetri distaalsest otsast ja see v ljub otsast 25 cm kaugusel Kateetri pind on osaliselt kaetud h drofiilse pol meerkattega mis muutub m rjana libedaks IER CES SAST VDA U APRAKSTS ST...

Page 9: ...zajn baziran na Kaname CoCr Koronarnom Stentu omogu ava fleksibilnost stenta sa tanjim strutovima odli nim plasiranjem i optimizovanim side branch pristupom PREMAZ OMOTA A STENTA SIROLIMUS AKTIVNI FAR...

Page 10: ...i restenozu svojim djelovanjem kao pomo na medicinska supstanca u koronarnim intervencijama pomo u koronarnog stenta za izlu ivanje sirolimusa Ultimaster Tansei RAZGRADIVI POLIMERI NEAKTIVNI SASTOJCI...

Page 11: ...dimensions disponibles Lieferbare Gr en des Sirolimus beschichteten Koronarstent Systems Ultimaster Tansei Sistema de stent coronario liberador de Sirolimus Ultimaster Tansei Tama os disponibles Sist...

Page 12: ...dislocated In case of stent dislodgement stent retrieval methods use of additional wires snares and or forceps may result in additional trauma to the coronary vasculature and or the vascular access si...

Page 13: ...ing Coronary Stent System using the instructions provided 2 Insert one Hiryu or one Accuforce balloon catheter track to the target site and inflate the balloon 3 Removing the catheters Remove one cath...

Page 14: ...une pression sup rieure risque de provoquer une rupture du ballonnet pouvant aboutir une l sion intimale et une dissection du vaisseau Un stent non d ploy peut tre r ins r dans le cath ter guide une...

Page 15: ...llonnet en appliquant une pression n gative sur le dispositif de gonflage Veiller ce que le ballonnet soit totalement d gonfl avant de tenter le moindre d placement du cath ter 7 V rifier que le stent...

Page 16: ...gebene Nennberstdruck darf nicht berschritten werden Werden die angegebenen Druckwerte berschritten kann der Ballon platzen Eine Intimasch digung und Gef dissektion ist die Folge Ein nicht expandierte...

Page 17: ...plikationssystems 4 H mostaseventil anziehen 5 Angiografie wiederholen um den gestenteten Bereich zu berpr fen Wenn keine ausreichende Expansion erreicht wurde auf den Rapid Exchange Applikationskathe...

Page 18: ...da os y disecci n de la ntima Un stent sin expandir se puede retraer dentro del cat ter gu a una sola vez No se deben realizar movimientos posteriores hacia dentro y hacia fuera del extremo distal del...

Page 19: ...tilete 2 Compruebe que el stent est centrado en el bal n y colocado entre los marcadores radiopacos del bal n No lo utilice si se observa alg n defecto 3 Inyecte HepNS en la gu a utilizando para ello...

Page 20: ...PORTUGU S ADVERT NCIAS PRECAU ES Um stent n o expandido pode ser retra do para dentro do cateter de orienta o apenas uma nica vez O subsequente movimento atrav s da extremidade distal do cateter de or...

Page 21: ...idores de CYP3A4 p ex cetoconazol podem causar uma exposi o do Sirolimus aumentada para n veis associados aos efeitos sist micos especialmente se forem colocados m ltiplos stents A exposi o sist mica...

Page 22: ...alloncino con possibili danni e dissezioni intimali possibile ritirare uno stent non espanso nel catetere guida una sola volta Evitare il movimento successivo dentro e fuori l estremit distale del cat...

Page 23: ...eria e con il diametro interno dello stent che corrisponda alle dimensioni del diametro del vaso di riferimento 5 Verificare il contatto fra lo stent e la parete mediante normale angiografia o ecograf...

Page 24: ...en overschreden Toepassing van een druk hoger dan gespecificeerd kan ballonruptuur tot gevolg hebben met mogelijk beschadiging en dissectie van de intima Een niet ge xpandeerde stent mag slechts n kee...

Page 25: ...teit Alle combinaties van n Ultimaster Tansei sirolimus eluerend coronair stentsysteem ID 2 25 mm 4 0 mm en n Hiryu 2 25 mm 4 00 mm of n Accuforce 2 00 mm 4 00 mm PTCA ballonkatheter kunnen gelijktijd...

Page 26: ...stenten lossnar kan stentutdragningsmetoder anv ndning av ytterligare ledare snaror och eller t nger medf ra ytterligare trauma f r hj rtvaskulaturen och eller det vaskul ra tkomstst llet Komplikatio...

Page 27: ...erna nedan 1 F r in l kemedelseluerande koronarstentsystem Ultimaster Tansei Sirolimus som i instruktionerna 2 F r in Hiryu eller Accuforce ballongkateterns sp r p m lsidan och bl s upp ballongen 3 Ta...

Page 28: ...derne brug af ekstra ledere l kker og eller tang til hentning af stenten medf re yderligere traumer i koronarvaskulaturen og eller traume p adgangsstedet Komplikationerne kan omfatte bl dning h matom...

Page 29: ...i henhold til nedenst ende vejledning 1 Indf r Ultimaster Tansei Sirolimus eluderende koronarstent i f lge vejledningen 2 Indf r et Hiryu eller et Accuforce ballonkateter spor det til m lplaceringen o...

Page 30: ...n ikke ekspandert stent kan trekkes tilbake inn i f ringskateteret bare n gang Etterf lgende bevegelse inn og ut gjennom den distale enden p f ringskateteret m ikke utf res fordi stenten kan bli delag...

Page 31: ...g i et 6 Fr I D 1 8 mm ledekateter Teknikken kan utf res i samsvar med anvisningene nedenfor 1 Sett i Ultimaster Tansei sirolimusfrigivende koronarstentsystem i samsvar med anvisningene 2 Sett inn ett...

Page 32: ...aa pallon hajoamiseen intiman vaurioon ja dissektioon SUOMI VAROITUKSET Laajentamaton stentti voidaan vet ohjainkatetrin sis n vain yhden kerran Toistuva liike sis n ja ulos ohjainkatetrin distaalisen...

Page 33: ...etsi kohdealue ja t yt pallo 3 Katetrien poisto Poista yksi katetri ja siihen liittyv ohjain kokonaan ennen toisen katetrin ja siihen liittyv n ohjaimen poistamista Ole varovainen yht tai molempia lai...

Page 34: ...M43 73 6 x 4 0 mm 15 MR SAR phantom Ultimaster Sirolimus 73 6 x 4 0 mm 5 2 C 1 1 C SAR 2 3 W kg 15 MR 1 5 Tesla Intera MR Philips Medical Systems 12 6 1 4 2012 11 05 phantom Ultimaster Sirolimus 73 6...

Page 35: ...Ultimaster Tansei Sirolimus I D 2 25mm 4 0mm Hiryu PTCA 2 25mm 4 00mm Accuforce 2 00mm 4 00mm 6Fr I D 1 8mm 1 Ultimaster Tansei Sirolimus 2 Hiryu Accuforce 3 KISSING BALLOON FKBP sirolimus sirolimus...

Page 36: ...lapping 15 SAR Ultimaster overlapping 73 6 4 0 5 2 1 1 SAR 2 3 15 MR 1 5 Philips Medical Systems Software Release 12 6 1 4 2012 11 05 Ultimaster overlapping 73 6 4 0 10 1 2 4 SAR 2 1 15 MR 3 Magnetom...

Page 37: ...3 PTCA 4 5 0 36 0 014 6 1 2 3 15 30 compliance 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 C Ultimaster Tansei 0 5 6 6Fr c Ultimaster Tansei 2 25 4 0 PTCA Hiryu 2 25 4 00 Accuforce 2 00 4 00 6Fr 1 8 FKBP CYP3A4 CYP3A4 1 c Ult...

Page 38: ...entu mo e zagra a dro no ci bocznych odga zie naczy Nie przekracza szacowanego ci nienia rozrywaj cego podanego na etykiecie urz dzenia Stosowanie ci nienia wy szego ni okre lone mo e prowadzi do roze...

Page 39: ...jak i wysuwania systemu wprowadzaj cego stentu przed implantacj stentu nale y wyci gn ca y system Patrz cz Usuwanie stentu systemu rodki ostro no ci aby uzyska szczeg owe instrukcje dotycz ce usuwania...

Page 40: ...okozhat MAGYAR FIGYELMEZTET SEK VINT ZKED SEK A ki nem ny lt sztent egy alkalommal visszah zhat a vezet kat terbe de a vezet kat ter diszt lis v g n t rt n ki betol s a sztent s r l s t vagy elmozdul...

Page 41: ...y Hiryu 2 25 4 00 mm vagy egy Accuforce 2 00 4 00 mm PTCA ballonkat ter b rmely kombin ci ja egyidej leg haszn lhat egy 6Fr bels tm r 1 8 mm vezet kat terben A technik t az al bbi utas t soknak megfel...

Page 42: ...t smy ek nebo kle t v st k dal mu po kozen koron rn ho c vn ho syst mu a m sta c vn ho p stupu Mezi komplikace mohou pat it krv cen hematom nebo pseudoaneurysma ESK VAROV N UPOZORN N Odstran n stentov...

Page 43: ...osti spojen s peror ln m pod n m sirolimu 2 Zkontrolujte e stent je um st n uprost ed bal nku mezi dv ma rentgenkontrastn mi zna kami na bal nku Prost edek nepou vejte pokud zjist te jak koli vady 3 O...

Page 44: ...ceho kat tra vtiahnu len raz N sledn pohyb dovn tra a von cez dist lny koniec vodiaceho kat tra by sa nemal robi preto e sa stent m e po kodi alebo posun V pr pade vypudenia stentu m u met dy na n jde...

Page 45: ...tentu z dr iaka Potom odstr te ochrann puzdro stentu zo stentu Zo stentu opatrne vysu te ochrann puzdro tak e puzdro pevne uchyt te na dist lnom konci medzi palec a ukazov k pri om jemne vy ahujete pu...

Page 46: ...er hasta i in Sirolimus salan stentin riskleri ve faydalar dikkate al nmal d r Hastalar n i lem ncesinde stent implantasyonu yap lmas konusundaki uygunlu unun de erlendirilmesi doktorun sorumlulu unda...

Page 47: ...angi bir olmusuz geli menin ortaya kmas hayli olas l k d d r TEDAR K EKL Hasar g rmemi ve a lmam blister po ette STER LD R ve P ROJEN K DE LD R Bu cihaz e nlar yla sterilize edilmi tir NDEK LER Bir Te...

Page 48: ...tamine v ib p hjustada ballooni purunemist ning v imalikku veresoone sisekesta kahjustust ja dissektsiooni ETTEVAATUSABIN UD Laiendamata stenti v ib juhtekateetrisse tagasi t mmata vaid he korra Stent...

Page 49: ...ansei Sirolimus Eluting p rgarteri stendis steem vastavalt selle juhistele 2 Sisestage ks Hiryu v i ks Accuforce balloonkateeter viige see sihtkohta ja pumbake balloon t is 3 Kateetrite eemaldamine Ee...

Page 50: ...u un uz ru caur vad t jkatetra dist lo galu jo stents var tikt boj ts vai p rvietots Stenta p rvieto an s gad jum stenta iz em anas metodes papildu st gas knaibles un vai pincetes var izrais t papildu...

Page 51: ...or d jumiem 1 Ievietojiet Ultimaster Tansei ar sirol mu p rkl t koron r stenta sist mu izmantojot sniegtos nor d jumus 2 Ievietojiet vienu Hiryu vai vienu Accuforce balona katetru izsekojiet l dz note...

Page 52: ...ento i traukimo b dai naudojant papildomas vielas kilpeles ir arba chirurgines nyples gali dar labiau traumuoti paciento koronarines kraujagysles ir arba vaskuliarin s prieigos srit Galimos komplikaci...

Page 53: ...r Tansei Sirolimus vaistus i skirian io koronarinio stento sistem pagal pateiktas instrukcijas 2 veskite vien Hiryu arba vien Accuforce balionin kateter nustatykite tikslin zon ir i pl skite balion 3...

Page 54: ...skozi distalni konec vodilnega katetra ni dovoljeno saj se lahko opornica po koduje ali premakne e se opornica premakne lahko na ini ponovne vzpostavitve polo aja opornice uporaba dodatnih ic zank in...

Page 55: ...olimus ki spro a zdravilo I D 2 25 mm 4 0 mm in enega balonskega katetra Hiryu 2 25 mm 4 00 mm ali Accuforce 2 00 mm 4 00mm PTCA Tehnika se lahko izvaja v skladu s spodaj navedenimi navodili 1 V sklad...

Page 56: ...membrane krvnog suda i njegovog cepanja MERE PREDOSTRO NOSTI Nepro ireni stent mo e da se uvu e u kateter vodi samo jedanput Naknadna pomeranja stenta napred i nazad kroz distalni kraj katetera vodi...

Page 57: ...stovremeno koristiti u okviru katetera vodi a od 6Fr unutra nji pre nik 1 8mm Tehnika se mo e obaviti prema dolenavedenim uputstvima 1 Uvedite Ultimaster Tansei Sirolimus koronarni stent sistem koji o...

Page 58: ...j numai o singur dat Ulterior nu ar trebui s fie efectuate mi c ri de intrare i ie ire prin cap tul distal al cateterului de ghidaj ntruc t aceasta ar putea deteriora sau disloca stentul n cazul dislo...

Page 59: ...re de sirolimus Ultimaster Tansei DI 2 25mm 4 0mm i un cateter PTCA cu balon Hiryu 2 25mm 4 00mm sau Accuforce 2 00mm 4 00mm poate fi utilizat simultan cu un cateter de ghidaj de 6Fr DI 1 8mm Tehnica...

Page 60: ...SAR a Ultimaster 73 6 x 4 0 5 2 C 1 1 C WBA SAR 2 3 W 15 MR 1 5 Tesla Intera Philips Medical Systems 12 6 1 4 2012 11 05 MR Ultimaster 73 6 x 4 0 10 1 C 2 4 C WBA SAR 2 1 W 15 MR 3 Tesla Magnetom Tri...

Page 61: ...aster Tansei 1 2 3 4 PTCA 5 0 36 0 014 6 1 2 3 15 30 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 Ultimaster Tansei 0 5 6 PCI 6Fr Ultimaster Tansei 2 25 4 0 Hiryu 2 25 4 00 Accuforce 2 00 4 00 PTCA 6Fr 1 8 1 Ultimaster Tansei 2...

Page 62: ...0 2 3 3 6 C 43 73 6 4 0 15 SAR Ultimaster 73 6 4 0 5 2 C 1 1 C WBA SAR 2 3 15 1 5 Tesla Intera Philips Medical Systems 12 6 1 4 2012 11 05 Ultimaster 73 6 4 0 10 1 C 2 4 C WBA SAR 2 1 15 3 Tesla Magne...

Page 63: ...7 1 2 3 4 5 Ultimaster Tansei 0 5 6 6Fr Ultimaster Tansei 2 25 4 0 Hiryu 2 25 4 00 Accuforce 2 00 4 00 6Fr 1 8 1 Ultimaster Tansei 2 Hiryu Accuforce 3 KISSING BALLOON CYP3A4 P FKBP CYP3A4 CYP3A4 Teru...

Page 64: ...hvataljki i ili pinceta mogu uzrokovati dodatno o te enje koronarne vaskulature i ili vaskulature mjesta pristupa Komplikacije mogu uklju ivati krvarenje hematom ili pseudoaneurizmu HRVATSKI UPOZOREN...

Page 65: ...sustav koronarnog stenta za izlu ivanje sirolimusa Ultimaster Tansei slijede i prilo ene upute 2 Umetnite jedan balonski kateter Hiryu ili Accuforce vodite do ciljnog mjesta i napu ite balon 3 Uklanja...

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Page 79: ...ster och Tansei r varum rken som tillh r Terumo Corporation Ultimaster og Tansei er varem rker tilh rende Terumo Corporation Ultimaster og Tansei er varemerker fra Terumo Corporation Ultimaster ja Tan...

Page 80: ...ntin koko on varmistettava angiografisesti Nimellist rikkoutumispainetta ei saa ylitt in vitro Sirolimus Ultimaster Tansei in vitro RBP c Ultimaster Tansei In vitro informacje Zalecane ci nienie nape...
