P53, P54
Motor 1 (%X correction factors 1 and 2)
P53 and P54 specify the factors to correct fluctuations of leakage reactance (%X).
Basically, there is no need to modify the setting.
Motor 1 (Torque current under vector control)
P55 specifies the rated torque current under vector control without/with speed sensor.
The combination of P99 (Motor 1 selection) and P02 (Motor 1 rated capacity) data determines the standard value.
Basically, there is no need to modify the setting.
Motor 1 (Induced voltage factor under vector control)
P56 specifies the induced voltage factor under vector control without/with speed sensor.
The combination of P99 (Motor 1 Selection) and P02 (Motor 1, Rated capacity) data determines the standard
value. Basically, there is no need to modify the setting.
Motor 1 Selection
P99 specifies the motor type to be used.
Data for P99
Motor type
Motor characteristics 0 (Reserved)
Motor characteristics 1 (HP rating motors)
Motor characteristics 2 (Reserved )
Motor characteristics 3 (Reserved)
Motor characteristics 4 (kW rating motors)
To select the motor drive control or to run the inverter with the integrated automatic control functions such as auto
torque boost and torque calculation monitoring, it is necessary to specify the motor parameters correctly. First
select the motor type to be used with P99, specify the motor rated capacity with P02, and then initialize the motor
parameters with H03. This process automatically configures the related motor parameters (P01, P03, P06 through
P23, P53 through P56, and H46).
The data of F09 (Torque Boost 1), H13 (Restart Mode after Momentary Power Failure (Restart time)), and F11
(Electronic Thermal Overload Protection for Motor 1, Overload detection level) depends on the motor capacity, but
the process stated above does not change them. Specify and adjust the data during a test run if needed.
Refer to the user manual for function code descriptions not covered in this section.