Data for H75
Target quadrants
Pattern 3
• If the value of torque limiter A is less than that of torque limiter B, torque limiter A
applies to both the upper and lower limits.
• Selecting the "Upper/lower torque limits" may cause reciprocating oscillation
between the upper and lower limit values, depending upon a small difference
between the upper and lower limits, a slow response from the speed control
sequence, and other conditions.
Torque limiters 1-1, 1-2, 2-1 and 2-2 (F40, F41, E16 and E17)
Data setting range: -300 to 300 (%), 999 (Disable)
These function codes specify the operation level at which the torque limiters become activated, as the percentage
of the motor rated torque.
Function code
Torque limiter 1-1
Torque limiter 1-2
Torque limiter 2-1
Torque limiter 2-2
Although the data setting range for F40, F41, E16, and E17 is from positive to negative values (
–300% to
+300%), specify positive values in practice except when the "Upper/lower torque limits" (H75 = 2) is
selected. Specifying a negative value causes the inverter to interpret it as an absolute value.
The torque limiter determined depending on the overload current actually limits the torque current output.
Therefore, the torque current output is automatically limited at a value lower than 300%, the maximum
setting value.
Analog torque limit values (E61 to E63)
The torque limit values can be specified by analog inputs through terminals [12], [C1], and [V2] (voltage or current).
Set E61, E62, and E63 (Terminal [12] Extended Function, Terminal [C1] Extended Function, and Terminal [V2]
Extended Function) as listed below.
Data for E61, E62, or E63
Analog torque limit value A
Use the analog input as the torque limit value
specified by function code data (= 7 or 8).
Input specifications: 200% / 10 V or 20 mA
Analog torque limit value B
If the same setting is made for different terminals, the priority order is E61>E62>E63.
Torque limiter levels specified via communications link (S10, S11)
The torque limiter levels can be changed via the communications link. Function codes S10 and S11 exclusively
reserved for the communications link respond to function codes F40 and F41.
Switching torque limiters
The torque limiters can be switched by the function code setting and the terminal command
torque limiter level 2/1") assigned to any of the digital input terminals.
To assign the
as the terminal function, set any of E01 through E07 to "14." If no
is assigned,
torque limiter levels 1-1 and 1-2 (F40 and F41) take effect by default.