P09 to P11 Motor 1 (Slip compensation gain for driving, Slip compensation response time, and
Slip compensation gain for braking)
P09 and P11 determine the slip compensation amount in % for driving and braking individually and adjust the slip
amount from internal calculation. Specification of 100% fully compensates for the rated slip of the motor.
Excessive compensation (P09, P11
100%) may cause hunting (undesirable oscillation of the system), so
carefully check the operation on the actual machine.
P10 determines the response time for slip compensation. Basically, there is no need to modify the default setting.
If you need to modify it, consult your TECO-Westinghouse Motor Company representatives.
Function codes
Operation (Slip compensation)
Slip compensation gain for
Adjust the slip compensation amount for driving.
Slip compensation amount for driving =
Rated slip x Slip compensation gain for driving
Slip compensation gain for
Adjust the slip compensation amount for braking.
Slip compensation amount for braking =
Rated slip x Slip compensation gain for braking
Slip compensation response
Specify the slip compensation response time. Basically,
there is no need to modify the default setting.
For details about the slip compensation control, refer to the description of F42.
Motor 1 (Rated slip frequency)
P12 specifies rated slip frequency. Obtain the appropriate values from the test report of the motor or by calling the
manufacturer of the motor. Performing auto-tuning automatically sets these parameters.
• Rated slip frequency: Convert the value obtained from the motor manufacturer to Hz using the following
expression and enter the converted value. (
: The motor rating given on the nameplate
sometimes shows a larger value.)
Rated slip frequency (Hz) =
(Synchronous speed - Rated
Base frequency
Synchronous speed
For details about the slip compensation control, refer to the description of F42.
P13 to P15 Motor 1 (Iron loss factors 1 to 3)
P13 to P15 compensates the iron loss caused inside the motor under vector control with speed sensor, in order to
improve the torque control accuracy.
The combination of P99 (Motor 1 selection) and P02 (Motor 1 rated capacity) data determines the standard value.
Basically, there is no need to modify the setting.
P16 to P20
P21 to P23
Motor 1 (Magnetic saturation factors 1 to 5)
Motor 1 (Magnetic saturation extension factors "a" to "c")
These function codes specify the characteristics of the exciting current to generate magnetic flux inside the motor
and the characteristics of the magnetic flux generated.
The combination of P99 (Motor 1 selection) and P02 (Motor 1 rated capacity) data determines the standard value.
Performing auto-tuning while the motor is rotating (P04 = 2 or 3) specifies these factors automatically.