MagicQ User Manual
58 / 348
After morphing heads your groups, palettes, and cues will be updated to reflect the new head types.
Morphing Multi Part Heads
From v1.5.1.0 MagicQ supports full morphing between multi part heads, from single part heads to multi part heads, and from
multi part heads to single part heads.
When morphing between multi part heads, if the new head has less parts than the original head then the excess parts in the
original heads will be ignored. If the new head has more parts than the original head then the excess parts in the new head will
be a repeat of the parts from the original head.
This also enables easy changing of mode of multi part heads which was not previously possible – e.g. when changing a Thomas
Pixeline from 18 pixel to 9 pixel mode, or when changing a Chromalec Jarag from 25 to 31 channel mode.
Morphing Heads with virtual dimmers
It is possible to morph between heads with inbuilt dimmers and heads with virtual dimmers. For example it is possible to morph
a RGB head with an inbuilt dimmer to a RGB head with a virtual dimmer. It is also possible to morph back from a head with a
virtual dimmer to one that has an inbuilt dimmer.
Morphing between CMY and colour wheel Heads
When morphing between heads with CMY/RGB and Colour Wheel to heads with only Colour Wheels, MagicQ now converts
the CMY/RGB data to Col Wheel rather than trying to map between the Colour Wheels. This ensures that shows programmed
with Cues using RGB palettes morph to Col Wheel palettes.
When morphing to heads with greater number of colour wheels or greater number of gobo wheels MagicQ now includes the
extra colour or gobo wheels channels in Palettes and Cues where the colour wheels or gobo wheels were previously used. This
enables easy updating of shows, for example when changing from heads with only 1 gobo wheel to heads with 2 gobo wheels.
Importing Heads
A quick way of patching heads is to import the heads from a file. MagicQ supports comma separated variable files (.csv) which
can be generated from most spread sheets and word processors.
The first row of the file indicates which columns are present in the file. The next rows of the file contain the data for each head.
Headno,Headname,Dmxno,Headtype,Gel,Pinv,Tinv,Swap 0001,Spots,1-001,Generic Dimmer,No col,no,no,no 0002,Spots,1-002,Generic
Dimmer,No col,no,no,no 0003,Spots,1-003,Generic Dimmer,No col,no,no,no 0004,Spots,1-004,Generic Dimmer,No col,no,no,no
0005,Finger L,1-005,Generic Dimmer,R59 Indigo,no,no,no 0006,Finger L,1-006,Generic Dimmer,R312 Canary,no,no,no 0007,Fin-
ger L,1-007,Generic Dimmer,R356 Middle Lavender,no,no,no 0008,Finger L,1-008,Generic Dimmer,R27 Medium Red,no,no,no
Exporting Heads
The patched heads can be exported using the same file format as used for import. This file can then be read by a standard spread
sheet or word processor. Patch lists can then be printed.