MagicQ User Manual
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Making channels hard values
Channels in the programmer can be set to have hard values instead of palette values. This function can be accessed in the
Programmer Window, View Levels with SHIFT + MAKE HARD. All attributes of the currently selected heads that are active in
the programmer are made hard (non palette) values. If no heads are selected then all heads in the programmer are affected.
Keyboard shortcuts are also available by holding POS, COL, BEAM, * or one of the attribute soft buttons and pressing INC.
This operates in a similar way to making channels active using SET, knocking out channels using REMOVE or partial locating
channels with LOCATE.
To make channels hard in the the programmer.
• Select the heads you wish to remove attributes from. If no heads are selected then all active heads in the programmer are
Then choose one of the following methods
• Hold INCLUDE and press All, Position, Colour, Beam. This the Intensity, Position, Colour or Beam attributes hard.
• Hold INCLUDE and turn an encoder wheel or press the soft button in the Beam, Colour, Position or Group windows – the
specified attribute will be made a hard value.
• Hold All, Position, Colour or Beam and press INCLUDE. This makes all of the Intensity, Position, Colour or Beam attributes
hard values.
• Hold a soft button in the Beam, Colour, Position or Group windows and press INCLUDE. Channels of the specified attribute
will be made hard.
• Hold * and press INCLUDE to set all attributes of the selected heads hard values.
Copy between heads
You can copy between heads using the keypad. To copy the head data, select some heads from the keypad, press COPY and then
enter the destination heads. For example, to copy from heads 1 to 2 to heads 5 to 8
MagicQ also supports the @ Syntax.
It is not necessary to have the same number of source heads as destination heads. Each of the source heads is used in turn to copy
data to the destination heads.
Copying head data copies data can be used to copy data between different types of head.
From v1.6.6.9 copying head data copies level data from the source head if the data is active on a playback or is in the programmer.
Fade times will only be copied if the source head has level data in the programmer. FX data will only be copied between heads
where the source head has FX data in the programmer.
Selected attributes can be copied rather than the entire head, by using SHIFT + COPY instead of COPY and setting the attribute
mask. A shortcut to copy just one attribute type is to hold the attribute type button and press COPY - e.g. to copy just colour,
hold COLOUR and press COPY.
COPY GROUP 1 @ 2 ENTER will copy head data from heads in Group 1 to heads in Group 2.
You can copy from the current selection to other heads by using the COPY @ syntax, e.g. to copy from currently selected heads
to heads 1 and 2:
Copying head data in this way respects sub selection on the source - so when sub selection is active then it will only copy from
heads that are sub selected not from all heads that are selected.