MagicQ User Manual
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The picture below shows a Clay Paky Alpha Spot HPE 1200 in Standard mode.
The Playback faders are automatically set up with some useful functions including Macros for Lamp On, Reset and Lamp Off,
Locate and Movement, Colour, Gobo and Strobe tests.
If a MagicQ Wing, MagicQ Twin DMX Interface or MagicDMX interface is connected to MagicQ then the fixture will be
controlled on the 1
The preset faders can be used to change the values of individual attributes. Use SHIFT and the faders to make a fine adjustment.
Demo Shows
The start up Window gives also gives a choice of a standard Lighting demo show or a PixelMapping demo show.
Additional demo shows for other fixture types, media servers and visualisers can be found by going to Setup, View Settings,
Load Show and selecting the demo show folder.