Operating the Equipment Locally
Page 3-30
Instruction Manual: evolution 5000 E5500 Mobile Contribution Encoder
The following screen is displayed. Press the Yes softkey to switch the IF
output back on (the IF power will be set to ‘low’, or ‘normal’ if the low and
normal settings are set to the same level) and return to the menu, or
press the No softkey to return to the menu and leave the IF output
switched off (modulation will also be switched off and the IF power set to
the ‘low’ (or ‘normal’) setting).
S e t up / Op e ra t io n s E di t
I F Fr e qu e nc y
7 0 . 00 5 0 M Hz
S w i tc h I F O u tp u t B ac k O N ?
If the specified IF frequency is outside the valid input range, a
confirmation screen similar to the following is displayed which shows the
maximum/ minimum value allowed. Press the Enter softkey to accept the
new value shown, or press the Quit softkey to leave the original IF
frequency unchanged.
C o n fi r ma t io n S c re e n
I F Fr e qu e nc y
S p e ci f ie d V a lu e T o o H ig h
S e l ec t < E nt e r> to Se t t o
M a x im u m : 1 8 0. 0 00 0 M H z
IF Output Switched Off
If the IF output is switched off, the option is used in the same way as
described above, except that the screens to switch the IF output off and
then back on are not displayed.
Config Menu
Menu Options
The MCE holds (DVB) user configurations which provide a quick and easy
way to configure all the MCE operating parameters for common set-ups
without having to enter the parameters individually. There are 16
predefined user configurations and also 525/625 factory default set-ups.
The 16 predefined user configurations can be edited and overwritten, but
not the 525/625 factory default set-ups. The 16 user configurations can be
protected against overwriting on an individual basis.
The user configurations can be copied to a password-protected backup
(the password is set using the Change Password option in the
Setup/System/General Menu
, see page 3-42). On the MCE the default
password is normally 123456789.