How does SwyxPhone L6x work?
SwyxWare - Interaction of the components
Remote Inquiry
You can listen to and delete the Voicemails you receive in your electronic
e-mail inbox per remote inquiry. Within remote inquiry, you can also use
a menu to change the destination of your Call Forwarding Unconditional
as well as record a new announcement for your Voicemail.
A User Account for Every User (User Concept)
Every user is provided with an user account. A variety of settings and
information are stored there for every SwyxPhone user.
When you start SwyxPhone, it automatically logs on to SwyxServer. You
will be asked to enter your PIN for authentication purposes.SwyxServer
recognizes the appropriate user data based on the PIN entered and the
SwyxPhone is then configured. The advantage of this is that you will find
the same configuration and button assignments on any SwyxPhone
device or SwyxIt! you log on to with your PIN.
Naturally, the logon procedure also has a security aspect – only those
who logon correctly are authorized to place telephone calls.
Two, Four or More Lines for Every User (Line Concept)
Common telephones provide the user with one, sometimes two lines.
With SwyxPhone, you have access to two (default setting) or more (a
maximum of nine) lines. These line are also known as “virtual lines”
because technically they are only implemented as parallel “IP connec-
tions” for simultaneous calls on your PC mains connection. The “virtual
lines” not only allow you to telephone comfortably, but they also make it
easier to use. Just by pressing a button, you can
• select the line you want to speak on, or
• switch between lines, or
• “join” lines in order to connect two subscribers, for example.
Encryption of call data with SRTP
Beside the encryption of call data via “Secure Real Time Transport Proto-
col” (SRTP), the “L6” series phones support the transmission of voice
data in HD audio quality.
The terminals of the SwyxPhone L6x series support this technology, and
can also be used for calls via SRT protocol.For further information, please
refer to the SwyxWare Administrator documentation.