SwyxPhone L62 advanced Telephony Functions
Using a headset
Silent conference participation
You can also dial in as a listener to conferences in conference rooms.
You can then follow the conference, but not take part in the conversa-
To dial in as a silent conference participant, dial the number of the con-
ference room plus the string '#OWC'; e.g. "219#OWC". However, your
administrator can individually adapt this dial-in option with a script.For
further information please refer to the SwyxWare Administrator docu-
Please note that the complete string of digits (number of conference
room#OWC) must be dialed as a block number.
The entry / departure of a silent conference participant is also
announced by an audio signal. This signal is different from the usual
entry/departure signal to indicate that this participant cannot take part in
the conference call.
If you want to dial into a conference room as a silent participant, you first
have to configure a corresponding Speed Dial with SwyxIt!, since you
cannot dial the string "OWC" via SwyxPhone. Since SwyxPhone and
SwyxIt! access the same user profile, the Speed Dials configured in
SwyxIt! are also available to you in SwyxPhone.
The party who created the connection will bear the costs.
It is not possible to directly connect conference rooms to one another. If
you would like to allow the participants from two different conference
rooms to talk to one another, then you should start a conference between
the two lines. This ‘Conference of the Conference Rooms’ will be main-
tained as long as you, as initiator, participate in this conference, and it will
end when you go on hook.
A simple way round the problem is also to dial into the conference as a
normal participant, and deactivate the microphone on your telephone.
Using a headset
If you telephone a great deal, you can connect a headset to SwyxPhone
in order to have your hands free while on the phone. Swyx offers several
headsets and the necessary connection cable as an accessory.
Connecting a headset to SwyxPhone L62
SwyxPhone L62 has its own connection for the headset. You can connect
the headset using an adapter cable with switch (Headset Cable K420).
You can choose at any time whether you want to make a call using the
This is how you switch between the handset, headset and handsfree tele
If you hear the subscriber in the headset, you can switch to the hand-
set by picking up the handset.
If you hear the subscriber in the handset, you can switch to the head-
set by pressing the “Headset" button. Do not place the handset on
the hook, or the call will be ended.
If you hear the other subscriber in the headset or the handset, press
the “Speaker” button to switch the handsfree telephone on or off. If
you press the “Speaker” button once again, you will continue your
call as before either on the headset or the handset.