User Manual of A90 Series Inverter
percentage is directly given, and the maximum output is 100.00%.
In the case of 09.00=4VP, the PID setting source is the digital potentiometer setting.
F09.00=6: communication setting
The percentage of PID setting depends directly on the communication (percentage).
If the master-slave communication (F10.05=1) is enabled and the inverter works
as the slave (F10.06=0), the specific setting percentage is “700FH (master-slave
communication setting) * F10.08 (slave receiving proportional coefficient)”, and
the 700FH data range is -100.00% to 100.00%, as detailed in Table 0-2.
For the general communication (F10.05=0), the specific setting percentage is
“7004H (communication setting of process PID setting)”, and the 7004H data
range is -100.00% to 100.00%, as detailed in Table 0-2.
Function code Function code name
Parameter description
PID feedback source
1: AI1
2: AI2
6: Communication setting
The PID feedback percentage is directly dependent on the AI (percentage).
For the details of AI1 to AI2, see the description of F00.04. When it is used as the PID
feedback, the percentage will directly turn the feedback value, and the maximum output is
F09.02=6: communication setting
The PID feedback percentage is directly dependent on the communication
If the master-slave communication (F10.05=1) is enabled and the inverter works
as the slave (F10.06=0), the specific feedback percentage is “700FH
(master-slave communication setting) * F10.08 (slave receiving proportional
coefficient)”, and the 700FH data range is -100.00% to 100.00%, as detailed in
For the general communication (F10.05=0), the specific feedback percentage is