This is the scaling factor for the analog input data, to match the analog input
requirements of the SCADA system.
Pct DeadBand
This is the deadband range expressed as a percentage of the previously reported analog
input data. If the analog input data associated with this point exceed the range in either
a positive or negative direction, the information will be included in the next event report.
Specify the
setting to turn off deadband reporting as a percentage of the previously
reported analog input data.
Fixed DeadBand
This is the deadband range expressed as a fixed value relative to the previously reported
analog input data. If the analog input data associated with this point exceed the range in
either a positive or negative direction, the information will be included in the next event
report. Specify the
setting to turn off deadband reporting as a fixed value relative
to the previously reported analog input data.
166 S&C Instruction Sheet 766-530
Communication Setup