Admin User Default Password Change
With software versions later than 7.3.100, a user is required to change the default user
passwords in the IntelliLink Setup Software before it will allow the user to access the
control and read or modify settings on the control using the IntelliLink software. This
is required for all user accounts, including the Admin account, which must be changed
first before any user can access a control. See Figure 101.
Non-Admin User Default Password Change
If users attempt to log in with one of the non-admin accounts before the default password
is changed, they will be notified via the following message the Admin user must change
the default user account password before being allowed to connect to a control.
See Figure 102.
Figure 101. The Must Be a Non-Default Password dialog box.101
Password Complexity Rules
When changing a user password using IntelliLink Setup Software, complexity rules are
enforced for the new password. See Table 4.
Table 4. Password Complexity Rules
Password Length
Must be between 8-12 characters long
Alpha Characters
Must have at least one uppercase and one
lowercase character
Special Characters
May contain special characters with the exception
of the “Space,” “Tab,” and “&,” characters, which
are not allowed
May contain numbers
When the password entered does not meet the complexity requirements, the
error message shown in Figure 102 will open and the Admin user will be required to
enter a password meeting the complexity requirements before being allowed to proceed.
Figure 102. The Default Password Is Detected dialog box.
S&C Instruction Sheet 766-530 169