Following Safety Guidelines
To operate your phone safe ly and effi c i e n t ly, you should
a lways fo l l ow any special guidelines in a gi ven are a , and turn
your phone off in areas where use is forbidden or when it
m ay cause interfe rence or dange r.
Turn Off Your Phone Before Flying
You should turn off your phone befo re boarding any airc ra f t .
To prevent possible interfe rence with airc raft systems, U. S .
Fe d e ral Aviation A d m i n i s t ration (FAA) regulations re q u i re yo u
to have permission from a crew member to use your phone
while the plane is on the gro u n d . To prevent any risk of
i n t e r fe re n c e , FCC regulations prohibit using your phone
while the plane is in the air.
Restricting Children’s Access to Your Phone
Your phone should not be played with by ch i l d re n . T h ey
could hurt themselves and others ,d a m age the phone, o r
m a ke calls that increase your phone bill.
A ny ch a n ges or modifications to your phone not ex p re s s ly
a p p roved in this document could void your wa rranty for this
equipment and void your authority to operate this equip-
m e n t .O n ly use approved batteri e s ,a n t e n n a s , and ch a rge rs .
The use of any unauthorized accessories may be dange ro u s
and will invalidate the phone wa rranty if said accessori e s
cause damage or a defect to the phone.
Although your phone is quite sturdy, it is a complex piece of
h a rdwa re and can be bro ke n . Use common-sense guidelines
to avoid dro p p i n g ,h i t t i n g ,b e n d i n g , or sitting on it.
FCC Notice
The phone may cause TV or radio interfe rence if used in
close proximity to receiving equipment. The FCC can
re q u i re you to stop using the telephone if such interfe re n c e
cannot be eliminated.
Storing Your Phone
You must not store or carry your phone, its part s , or acces-
s o ries in the same compartment or other area where there
fl a m m able liquids, g a s e s , or ex p l o s i ve or fl a m m able materi a l s .
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