Usage Guidelines:
All about Performance
and Safety
Understanding Signal Strength
The voice quality of your phone will always be at its best
when the antenna is fully ra i s e d . If yo u ’re inside a building,
reception may be better near a window.
The quality of each call you make or re c e i ve depends on the
signal strength in your are a . Your phone will info rm your of
the current signal strength by displaying a number of bars
n ext to the signal strenght icon. The more bars displaye d ,t h e
s t ro n ger the signal. The signal strength indicator (
) dis-
p l ays in the upper left corner of your display.
Understanding Power Save Mode
If yo u ’re trying to use your phone in an area where the signal
is too we a k , the Power Save fe a t u re will automatically acti-
vate to conserve battery power when yo u ’ve been unable to
p i ck up a signal for 10 minu t e s . If your phone is on, it will
p e ri o d i c a l ly re ch e ck service ava i l ability (about eve ry thre e
m i nu t e s ) , or you can do it yo u rself manu a l ly by pressing any
key.A message will be displayed on the screen any time
Power Save has been activa t e d .
Understanding How Your Phone Operates
Your phone is basically a radio transmitter and re c e i ve r.
When it’s turned on, it re c e i ves and transmits radio fre q u e n-
cy (RF) signals.When your phone is in use, the system han-
dling your call controls the power leve l . This product meets
all FCC re q u i rements for RF power output levels for this
handset type.
Specifications Subject to Change
The info rmation contained in this manual is believed to be
c o rrect at the time of pri n t i n g ,h oweve r, Samsung re s e rve s
the right to ch a n ge or modify any of the specifications with-
out notice or obligation to update existing units.
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Summary of Contents for CDMA Series
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