Firmware update
Mannual 1425.8663.02 ─ 08
3. If the sensor module you want to update is not listed, perform one of the fol-
lowing actions:
a) Make sure the sensor module is physically connected.
b) Select "Rescan". This function starts a new search for sensor modules.
c) Check whether all necessary drivers are installed on the computer.
For example, if the VISA library is not installed on the computer, no VISA
sensor modules is accessible.
See also
4. Select the sensor module you want to update in the "Device" list.
The "Hostname or IP Address" field is not used during this procedure.
Therefore, leave it empty.
5. In the "Firmware" field, enter the full path and filename of the update file, or
press the browse button next to the field and select it.
If you have updated the firmware on your sensor module before, path and file-
name are displayed. New firmware for the Rohde
Schwarz sensor modules
generally has an
Schwarz update) extension.
6. Select "Update".
During the update process, the program displays a progress bar and informa-
tion on the current state. The update sequence can take a couple of minutes.
7. Check if the update was successful. The firmware version in the "Identifica-
tion" field must match the version you selected in the "Firmware" field.
Updating the firmware