Laser Seam Tracking System for Welding Automation. RF627Weld Series
RF627Weld [Revision 1.1.1] 03.08.2020
2) The robot reads at least eight registers. Riftek Lamia returns eight registers,
- 3D coordinates (XYZ) of a point found by a template (in the robot coordinate
- 3 angles that were returned by the robot the last time (by a command 0x10);
- coordinates (XZ) of a point found by a template (in the scanner coordinate
Each value is multiplied by 10 to be transmitted and occupies 1 register. The
format: 15 bit - value, 1 least significant bit - sign.
For any commands different from mentioned here, Riftek Lamia will respond with
the garbage values, or write data, which will not be taken into account in Riftek Lamia.
15.6.7. Riftek P3 protocol General information
The Riftek P3 protocol is based on the EtherNet/IP protocol. It is an industrial
protocol that allows bidirectional data transfer with PLCs. EtherNet/IP encapsulates the
object-oriented Common Industrial Protocol (CIP).
To EtherNet/IP-enabled devices on the network, the Riftek Lamia information is
seen as a collection of objects, which have attributes that can be queried.
The PLC sends a command to establish a connection with Riftek Lamia. The PLC
then periodically queries the attributes of the assembly objects for its latest measurement
results. In EtherNet/IP terminology, the PLC is a scanner and the Riftek Lamia software is
an adapter.
The default EtherNet/IP ports are used. Port 44818 is used for TCP connections
and UDP queries. Port 2222 is used for UDP I/O Messaging.
Riftek Lamia supports unconnected or connected explicit messaging (with TCP), as
well as implicit (or I/O) messaging (with UDP). For information on explicit messaging
assemblies and objects, see the "Explicit messaging" section below.
For information on implicit messaging assemblies and objects, see the "Implicit
messaging" section.
tab with the
Riftek P3
protocol selected:
Parameters and buttons:
Sensor s/n
Serial number of the scanner.
Protocol selection.
Server address
TCP/IP address of the robot controller.