RF627Weld [Revision 1.1.1] 03.08.2020
Laser Seam Tracking System for Welding Automation. RF627Weld Series
The robot waits for a response from the scanner for 80 ms.
After 80 ms without a response, the robot sends the same request again.
After 300 ms without a response, a Timeout Alarm will be posted and the
connection will be broken.
* Request 6 (Request joint data) requests six values in the following order:
1. Offset X
4. GAP
2. Offset Y
3. Offset Z
6. AREA (Region)
Measurements are sent to the robot in accordance with the selected template.
The Measurement set:
Template #
Offset Y: the X coordinate of the intersection point of two lines
Offset Z: the Z coordinate of the intersection point of two lines
Offset Y: the X coordinate of the highest point along the Z axis
Offset Z: the Z coordinate of the highest point along the Z axis
Offset Y: the X coordinate of the selected point
Offset Z: the Z coordinate of the selected point
. If there are more than one point selected, only coordinates of the first point will be
sent to the robot.
Offset Y: the X coordinate of the highest point along the Z axis
Offset Z: the Z coordinate of the highest point along the Z axis
Offset Y: the X coordinate of the selected point
Offset Z: the Z coordinate of the selected point
. If there are more than one point selected, only coordinates of the first point will be
sent to the robot.
Offset Y: the X coordinate of the most right point
Offset Z: the Z coordinate of the most right point
Offset Y: the X coordinate of the most left point
Offset Z: the Z coordinate of the most left point
Offset Y: the X coordinate set by the user
Offset Z: the Z coordinate in accordance with the set X coordinate
Offset Y: the X coordinate of the lowest point along the Z axis
Offset Z: the Z coordinate of the lowest point along the Z axis
Offset Y: the X coordinate of the center point
Offset Z: the Z coordinate of the center point
Offset Y: the X coordinate of the intersection point of two lines
Offset Z: the Z coordinate of the intersection point of two lines
Offset Y: the X coordinate of the center point
Offset Z: the Z coordinate of the center point
Offset Y: the X coordinate of the center point
Offset Z: the Z coordinate of the center point
Gap: gap width
Offset Y: the X coordinate of the point set by "Search position"
Offset Z: the Z coordinate of the point set by "Search position"
Offset Y: the X coordinate = 0
Offset Z: the Z coordinate at X = 0
Gap: inclination angle
Mismatch: hill height
Offset Y: the X coordinate of the circle center (sent as an integer, not multiplied by 100)
Offset Z: the Z coordinate of the circle center (sent as an integer, not multiplied by 100)
Gap: radius (sent as an integer, not multiplied by 100)