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Taurus-C1 / P1
No Contact your supervisor.
Yes. End.
No. Go to 12.
12. Reduce the setting another 5%.
13. Do a test print, check the results. Printing
Yes. Succeeded, go to 12. (as long as image is
satisfactory, you can keep adding 5%).
No. Failed. Restore original setting before it was
raised 5%. No further adjustment is possible.
< Troubleshooting for Image Quality Problems \ Density Problems \ Uneven Density
within 90 mm (3.5 in.) of the Trailing Edge >
The description “Before Action” was deleted.
The following description was added:
<If you fail to solve the problem>
Follow this procedure to adjust the speed of the transfer timing roller.
1. Check the type and thickness of the paper in use.
2. Paper not registered?
No. Register the paper, or adjust the speed of the time roller with SP1-006.
Yes, In [Advanced Settings] for the custom paper in use, select [20: Transfer Timing
Roller Feed Speed Adj] and adjust or use SP1-963.
3. Trailing edge margin dark?
Yes. Adjust the speed of the transfer timing roller down -0.1% from its present setting.
Go to 4.
No. Adjust the speed of the transfer timing roller up +0.1% from its present setting. Go
to 4
4. Operator satisfied with the results?
Yes. Finished.
No. Repeat 3
5. Operator satisfied with the results?
Yes. Finished.
No. Repeat 4.
< Troubleshooting for Image Quality Problems \ Density Problems \ Color (1): Black
Faint During Full Color Printing >
The description “Before Action” was deleted.