Spectrum Measurements
User Manual 1175.7068.02 ─ 12
The setting 75 Ω should be selected if the 50 Ω input impedance is transformed to a
higher impedance using a 75 Ω adapter of the RAZ type (= 25 Ω in series to the input
impedance of the instrument). The correction value in this case is 1.76 dB = 10 log (75
Ω/50 Ω).
All levels specified in this Operating Manual refer to the default setting of the instru-
ment (50 Ω).
Remote command:
Specifying the Amplitude
1. Set the reference level, offset and position using the "Ref Level", "Ref Level Offset"
and "Ref Level Position" softkeys (see
2. Select the level range and the unit for the level axis using the "Range" and "Unit"
on page 352 and
3. Set the scaling using the "Ref Level Position" and/or "Grid Abs/Rel" softkeys (see
4. Set the attenuation using the "RF Atten Manual" or "RF Atten Auto" (see
5. Define the RF input coupling using the "Input (AC/DC)" softkey, or a reference
impedance using the "Input (50
6. Activate or deactivate the RF Preamplifier using the "Preamp" softkey (see
Defining Automatic Settings – AUTO SET Key
The "Auto Set" menu allows you define automatic settings for measurements quickly.
To open the Auto Set menu
Press the [AUTO SET] key.
The "Auto Set" menu is displayed.
Menu and softkey description
Chapter, "Softkeys of the Auto Set Menu"
Softkeys of the Auto Set Menu
The following table shows all softkeys available in the "Auto Set" menu. It is possible
that your instrument configuration does not provide all softkeys. If a softkey is only