Remote Control
User Manual 1175.7068.02 ─ 12
CALL InstrWrite(analyzer,"INIT;*WAI") 'Perform sweep with sync
CALL InstrWrite(analyzer,"CALC:DELT:MAX;X:REL?;Y?")
'Read delta marker
result$ = Space$(100)
CALL InstrRead(analyzer, result$, 100, retCount)
'Read frequency and level
Debug.Print "Deltamarker 1: "; result$
REM ***********************************************************************
Measuring Noise and Phase Noise
When phase noise is measured, the noise power related to a bandwidth of 1 Hz is set
in relation to the power of an adjacent carrier signal. A commonly used offset between
the measured frequency and the carrier frequency is 10 kHz.
When noise is measured, the measured absolute level is related to a bandwidth of 1
The following example is also based on a signal at 100 MHz with a level of -30 dBm.
Two markers are used to determine both the noise and the phase noise at a 10 kHz
offset from the carrier signal.
REM ************************************************************************
Public Sub Noise()
Dim retCount as Long
'--------- Default setting of the R&S FSV --------------------------------
CALL SetupStatusReg 'Configure status register
CALL InstrWrite(analyzer,"*RST") 'Reset instrument
CALL InstrWrite(analyzer,"INIT:CONT OFF")
'Single sweep mode
'--------- Setting the frequency ------------------------------------------
CALL InstrWrite(analyzer,"FREQUENCY:CENTER 100MHz")
'Center frequency
CALL InstrWrite(analyzer,"FREQ:SPAN 100 kHz")
'--------- Setting the level ----------------------------------------------
CALL InstrWrite(analyzer,"DISP:WIND:TRAC:Y:RLEV -20dBm")
'Reference level
CALL InstrWrite(analyzer,"INIT;*WAI") 'Perform sweep with sync
'--------- Setting the reference point ------------------------------------
CALL InstrWrite(analyzer,"CALC:MARK:PEXC 6DB")
'Define peak excursion
CALL InstrWrite(analyzer,"CALC:MARK:STAT ON")
'Activate marker 1
CALL InstrWrite(analyzer,"CALC:MARK:TRAC 1")
'Set marker 1 to trace 1
CALL InstrWrite(analyzer,"CALC:MARK:MAX")
'Set marker 1 to 100 MHz
CALL InstrWrite(analyzer,"CALC:DELT:FUNC:PNO ON")
'Define reference point for phase noise
'--------- Measuring the phase noise --------------------------------------
Controlling the R&S
ESR Remotely