Remote Control
User Manual 1175.7068.02 ─ 12
CALL InstrWrite (analyzer, "INIT:CONT OFF") 'Switch to single sweep
CALL InstrWrite (analyzer, "INIT:IMM;*WAI") 'Make sure no sweep is running
CALL InstrWrite (analyzer, ":SENSe1:SWEep:MODE ESPectrum")
'Set measurement mode
Rem After preset 3 ranges are available where the middle one is
Rem the reference range for calculating the TX power
CALL InstrWrite (analyzer, ":SENSe1:FREQuency:CENTer 2.2GHz")
'Center frequency 2.2 GHz
CALL InstrWrite (analyzer, ":SENSe1:DETector1 RMS")
'Set RMS detector
CALL InstrWrite (analyzer, ":TRIGger1:SEQuence:SOURce IMMediate")
'Trigger setup
'--------- Setting up the gated trigger ------------------------------------
Rem If a free run trigger is not appropriate a gated trigger can
Rem the be set up (just comment in the following lines).
Rem CALL InstrWrite (analyzer, ":SENSe1:SWEep:EGATe ON")
Rem Switch on the external gate mode
Rem CALL InstrWrite (analyzer, ":SENSe1:SWEep:EGATe:SOURce EXTernal")
Rem Set enternal gate source
Rem CALL InstrWrite (analyzer, ":SENSe1:SWEep:EGATe:HOLDoff 0s")
Rem Set delay time to 0 s
Rem CALL InstrWrite (analyzer, ":SENSe1:SWEep:EGATe:LENGth 200 US")
Rem Set time interval
'--------- Setting the span ------------------------------------------------
CALL InstrWrite (analyzer, ":SENSe1:FREQuency:SPAN 8 MHZ")
'Set the span to 8 MHz
'--------- Inserting new ranges --------------------------------------------
Rem Enlarge number of ranges to 5 by adding one at the end
Rem and one at the beginnig. This ensures that the reference range
Rem remains in the middle
CALL InstrWrite (analyzer, ":SENSe1:ESPectrum:RANGe2:INSert AFTer")
'Insert a range after range 2
CALL InstrWrite (analyzer, ":SENSe1:ESPectrum:RANGe1:INSert BEFore")
'Insert a range before range 1
'--------- Defining the limit check for all ranges -------------------------
CALL InstrWrite (analyzer, ":SENSe1:ESPectrum:RANGe:LIMit:STATe AND")
'Set check for absolute and 'relative limit
'--------- Defining the reference range settings ---------------------------
Rem The bandwith of the reference range limits the minimum span
Rem of the reference range definition later in the script.
CALL InstrWrite (analyzer, ":SENSe1:ESPectrum:RTYPe CPOWer")
'Set power reference type
CALL InstrWrite (analyzer, ":SENSe1:ESPectrum:BWID 2 MHZ")
'Set bandwidth
'--------- Defining the settings of range 1 --------------------------------
CALL InstrWrite (analyzer, ":SENSe1:ESPectrum:RANGe1:FREQuency:STARt -4 MHz")
'Set the start frequency
CALL InstrWrite (analyzer, ":SENSe1:ESPectrum:RANGe1:FREQuency:STOP -2 MHz")
'Set the stop frequency
CALL InstrWrite (analyzer, ":SENSe1:ESPectrum:RANGe1:BANDwidth:RESolution 1 MHZ")
Remote Control – Programming Examples