Spectrum Measurements
User Manual 1175.7068.02 ─ 12
If measuring according to the IBW method ("Fast ACLR Off"), the bandwidths of
the different adjacent channels are to be entered numerically. Since all adjacent
channels often have the same bandwidth, the other alternate channels are set to
the bandwidth of the adjacent channel when it is changed. Thus, only one value
needs to be entered in case of equal adjacent channel bandwidths.
For details on available channel filters see
Chapter, "Selecting the Appropriate
Remote command:
ACLR Reference ← Bandwidth ← Channel Setup ← CP/ACLR Settings ← Ch
Power ACLR
Select the transmission channel to which the relative adjacent-channel power values
should be referenced.
TX Channel 1
Transmission channel 1 is used.
Min Power TX Channel
The transmission channel with the lowest power is used as a refer-
ence channel.
Max Power TX Channel
The transmission channel with the highest power is used as a refer-
ence channel.
Lowest & Highest Channel
The outer left-hand transmission channel is the reference channel
for the lower adjacent channels, the outer right-hand transmission
channel that for the upper adjacent channels.
Remote command:
Spacing ← Channel Setup ← CP/ACLR Settings ← Ch Power ACLR
Define the channel spacings for the TX channels and for the adjacent channels.
TX channels (left column)
spacing between the first and the second carrier
spacing between the second and the third carrier
The spacings between all adjacent TX channels can be defined separately. When you
change the spacing for one channel, the value is automatically also defined for all sub-
sequent TX channels in order to set up a system with equal TX channel spacing
quickly. For different spacings, a setup from top to bottom is necessary.
If the spacings are not equal, the channel distribution according to the center frequency
is as follows: