PCC-IV Instruction Manual (rev. 0.1)
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Section 1 - Product Overview
Product Description
This section overviews the many PCC-IV features which address the requirements of both data acquisition and
control applications. The PCC-IV is designed to address the needs of most process control applications, and that
design has been further optimized to meet the exacting needs of combustion control systems.
Multiple Loops
Allows cost effective control of more than one
process loop in a single controller.
Service Manual
Allows manual control in the event of memory,
CPU, or digital circuitry failure.
Redundant Memories
Allows for self-recovery in the event of a primary
memory error.
Optically Isolated Data Highway
Safe/reliable communication that prevents a single
controller failure from disrupting an entire network.
Redundant RS-485 communications are available
as an option.
Engineering Units Display Flexibility
Allows the operator to view up to 10 process
variables each with process (tag) descriptions.
Local Parameter Configuration
Allows front panel parameter configuration without
the need for a special configurator or laptop
computer. Note: two, standard micro-USB ports
allows laptop blockware configuration.
point (“first in-first out”) Alarming
Allows the operator to view the order of alarms and
acknowledge each separately.
“Learn” Function
Allows for easy entry of complex function curves
without prerequisite data collection.
Industry standard communications
Allows the controller to be used in any system
and/or with others hardware/software which
communicate via Modbus protocol (RS-485 and/or
Optional I/O Cards
Allows significant Discrete and Analog I/O
expansion capabilities within a single controller.
Self-supporting CPU Board
The controller’s CPU board is fully functional
without the front panel, allowing for further I/O
expansion alternatives.
Easy PCC-III Upgrade
With the addition of an external 24 VDC power
supply, the PCC-IV can be installed in the same
location as a PCC-III. The PCC-IV field wiring
terminals are physically and electrically identical to
the PCC-III. CPU board analog input 250 ohm
jumpers are in the same locations as in the PCC-
III. The same Option Boards are used. The PCC-
IV can use the same program with a simple
PC4_Draw automatic conversion.