PCC-IV Instruction Manual (rev. 0.2)
Page 5-17
Section 5 – Configuring Blockware
P3 – B to A %/Sec is 1.00. This gives us a 1% per second transfer rate going from Local PID to Plant
Master mode.
Add tags necessary for setting up the Panel Data Screen and/or OIT & SCADA communication
We add tags as necessary to enable us to see up the following for the Front Panel:
Plant Master Demand as a Display Channel
Change the Plant Master Bias
Set up a Local/Remote Pushbutton and LED
Annunciate High and Low Drum Pressure alarms
Make it easier for the operator to change High and Low Drum Pressure alarm setpoints
Configure the front panel displays and alarms
Open the Panel Data Screen
We add two new display channels:
For the next Channel, select
PM Demand
as the Source Tag, Dec Pt = 0, Zero = 0, Span = 100,
Message = “PM Demand”
For the next Channel, select
PM Bias
as the Source Tag, Dec Pt = 0, Zero = 0, Span = 100,
Message = “PM Bias”
Note that the limits of -50 to 50 are set up in the new FPCON block above. The Zero
setting here is what the display will show when the output is at 0%. The Span setting
here is what the display will show when the output is at 100% (even if it will never actually
get there).
We add two Alarm Channels:
For the first Channel, select
High Alarm
as the Source Tag, Message = “High PSI”
For the next Channel, select
Low Alarm
as the Source Tag, Message = “Low PSI”
We set up the new Pushbutton:
For Pushbutton 1, select
as the Source Tag, Type = Toggle, Upper Message On
= “Remote”, Upper Message Off = “Local”
Note that the LED that is set up next is inverted, so when it is on, we are in Local. When
the Pushbutton is on, we are in Remote.
We set up the new LED:
For LED 1, select
Loc/Rem LED
as the Source Tag, Message = “Local”
For Loop Names, we want to name Loop 1 “Local PID” and name Loop 2 “Plant Master.”
We add the following to Loop Elements:
For Loop 2 PV bargraph, select
PM Demand
as the Source Tag.
For Loop 2 SP bargraph, select
Biased Demand
as the Source Tag.
For Loop 2 OUT bargraph, select
Firing Rate
as the Source Tag.
For Loop 2 Auto/Manual, select
as the Source Tag.
For Loop Select, select
as the Source Tag.
These settings allow us to automatically switch between the local Drum PSI and Drum
SP (Loop 1) and the remote Plant Master demand and biased demand (Loop 2). The
Local/Remote Pushbutton determines which Loop is active.
This way, when in remote mode, the operator can quickly compare Firing Rate to Plant
Master demand and see if there is any Bias. In local mode, the operator can quickly see
Drum PSI, Setpoint, and Firing Rate.
In both cases, when Firing Rate is placed into manual, the Firing Rate Channel will
automatically be displayed, and when Firing Rate is placed into Auto, Either Drum PSI
or PM Demand will be displayed. The
soft-button will still work as normal, see
section 3.
The Bargraph Blinking setting will remain unchanged.
We will set up Quick Parameters as we want to make it easier for the operator to change alarm setpoints.
For Quick Parameter 1, select
High Alarm SP
as the Source Tag, Description = “High PSI SP”
For Quick Parameter 2, select
Low Alarm SP
as the Source Tag, Description = “Low PSI SP”