up Compax3
Positioning via digital I/Os
192-120101 N11 C3I11T11 November 2007
EMC feedforward
The EMC feedforward compensates the electromagnetically generated back e.m.f.
of the motor U
. This signal is proportional to velocity and is deduced from the
setpoint velocity of the setpoint generator.
Motor parameters
Furthermore you can re-optimize the motor parameters inductance, resistance and
EMC (or Kt) in the advanced mode. The LdLqRatio parameter is the ratio of the
smallest and the highest inductance value of the winding, measured during one
motor revolution.
Filter "External Command Interface"
For explanations on this group of parameters please see chapter 0
Voltage decoupling
In the current control path there is a velocity and current proportional voltage
disturbance variable, which must be compensated by the current loop. Due to
limited controller dynamics, this disturbance variable can not always be entirely
compensated by the current loop. The influence of this disturbance variable may
however be minimized by activating the voltage decoupling.
Load control
If a second position feedback is available for the acquisition of the load position,
the load control can be activated.
For more detailed information on the load control see device help for
T30/T40 devices in the setup chapter Compax3\load control.
Luenberg observer
In this chapter you can read about:
Introduction observer .......................................................................................................................162
Signal flow chart Luenberg observer ...............................................................................................163
Introduction observer
A high signal quality of the actual signal value is of high significance in the control
of the motor velocity n or the motor speed v. By means of oversampling and
transmitter error compensation, a high-quality position signal can be produced for
speed determination. As a rule the motor speed is determined by numeric
differentiation of the motor position. In this case the quantisation noise QvD of the
digital speed signal depends on the quantisation Qx of the position signal and the
sampling time TAR of the digital control loop:
Quantisation – speed signal QvD
The quantisation of the speed signal is inversely proportional to the sampling time
TAR. Hence the demands for the lowest possible sampling time and the minimum
quantisation noise oppose each other in the determination of speed by numeric
differentiation. The noise superimposed by the digital speed signal may be reduced
by the low-pass filter, however this is always at the cost of the stability margin of
the digital control loop. An alternative method is to determine the speed by
integration of the acceleration. The dependence of the quantisation noise QvD of
the digital speed signal on the quantisation Qx of the position signal and the
sampling time TAR of the digital control loop is shown by the following correlation.
Quantisation – speed signal Qvl