72 Using the phone system
When you have multiple Line Appearance keys, they are ordered from bottom
to top. An incoming call will appear on the first available Line Appearance
Your phone will normally have two or three pre-programmed Line
Appearances. To be able to handle more simultaneous calls, you must
program additional keys with
Line Appearance
Monitor Groups on 5212/5312 IP phone
Using the Monitor Groups feature, your calls can be monitored and answered
by other users or you can have your phone monitored for activity. To enable
the Monitor feature, contact your administrator and provide a list of users that
you would like to have monitor your calls or phone. The administrator will
create a Monitor group in your name with the people in your list as members
of the group. There is no other action that needs to be taken on your part.
If you requested to have your calls monitored, calls to one or more of your
Line Appearances will automatically ring on your Monitor group member
phones provided that they have configured the appropriate number of
Monitor Calls
Monitor Call Silent
keys on their phone.
When a member of your Monitor group has answered one of your calls, the
Line Appearance on your phone will still indicate the state of the call.
A flashing key without a ring tone indicates that the call is on hold.
A lit key indicates that the Line Appearance is in use.
If you requested to have your phone monitored, when your phone is in use the
group members phones will show a lit LED against the
Monitor Phone
they have configured on their phone.
By putting a call on hold, either the primary group member or other
phones in the group can pick up the call.
Your call coverage still applies when you are in a monitor group.
A Monitor Phone key also acts a speed dial to the monitored extension.
Monitor Groups is only applicable to users who are using Mitel IP phones.
Monitor Call on the 5212/5312 IP phone
Using the Monitor Call or Monitor Call Silent feature, you can monitor and pick
up calls occurring on another user's phone.
To use this feature:
You must be a member of a Monitor group. A Monitor group defines the
user that is being monitored (primary group member) and which users
can monitor calls for the primary group member (secondary group
members). Only the administrator can add a Monitor group or change the
members of an existing Monitor group.
You must have the same number of phone keys programmed with
Monitor Call or Monitor Call Silent as the number of simultaneous calls
that you want to monitor on the primary group member's phone. The