X-Cell Furion 450 Assembly Manual
Created: 8/27/2008
Copyright Miniature Aircraft USA
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5A.1 Assemble Bell Mixers
Parts Relationship
5A.1.a 5A.1.b 5A.1.c 5A.1.d
Building Notes:
Apply a thin coat of green thread
lock on the small bearings using
a toothpick. Place a drop of
thread lock on the end of the
toothpick and then smear it
around the bearings. This must
be applied to all four of the
bearings in this assembly
5A.1.e 5A.1.f 5A.1.g 5A.1.h
Building Notes:
Be careful to wipe away any
excess thread lock and don’t get
any into the bearing itself
The spacer is captured
between the two