X-Cell Furion 450 Assembly Manual
Created: 8/27/2008
Copyright Miniature Aircraft USA
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For the pitch, aileron, and elevator servos:
In your radio
ATV (servo endpoints) should be at 100%
Set all trims and sub-trims to center or zero.
Set an initial linear pitch curve as a straight line (sample points: 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%)
Make sure there is no mixing enabled for cyclic channels at this point
Center the collective stick and make sure all the cyclic channels are centered
Channel ATV
Pitch Curve – Linear
Control Sticks Centered
On your model
Mount each ball into a servo arm hole approximately 13mm from the center of each arm as shown.
Slide the servo horns for each channel onto each servo exactly in the middle of its travel as shown
Failing to get them set at center will create interaction in your swash plate travel.
If possible, center the horns on the servos without using any sub trim. As a last resort, use the sub trim
function to precisely center each servo.
Make sure you install hex nuts on the ball retainer bolts using threadlock
Make sure you install servo arm retainer screws
Servo Arm Dimensions
Servo – 90°
Servo – 90°
Servo - 90°