X-Cell Furion 450 Assembly Manual
Created: 8/27/2008
Copyright Miniature Aircraft USA
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Setup for Collective, Cyclic and Rudder
For the following steps you don’t need to power up the ESC, only the receiver and servos. If you are using a separate
Rx battery, plug it into the receiver and proceed. If you are only using an ESC with a BEC for Rx power, don’t connect
the ESC to the motor when you power up for this step.
As you go through these setup procedures, make sure that none of the controls bind at full throw. If so, adjust the
individual servo throws until the binding is resolved.
Setting Swashplate Movements
The first step is to make sure that the servo reversing and swash mix settings are correct for the controls to move
B.1.1 Collective Movements
For a sport flying/3D setup, a linear pitch curve is appropriate (a straight line- 0%,25%,50%,75%,100%) as your
pitch curve data points.
Pitch Curve - Linear
Check the movement of the collective commands
Starting with the collective, when moving the collective stick up and down, all three servos should work in unison to
equally raise and lower the swash plate.
Collective Movement
Collective Up
Collective Down
All Rods Move in the
same direction