Table of Contents
5.3.1 Specifying the setpoints (speed and torque values)
5.3.2 Settings concerning the analogue input AIN
5.3.3 Offset calibration and "Safe zero"
6.1.1 Methods -17 and -18: Stop
6.1.2 Methods -1 and -2: stop with index pulse evaluation
6.1.3 Methods 17 and 18: positive and negative limit switch
6.1.4 Methods 1 and 2: positive and negative limit switch with index pulse evaluation
6.1.5 Methods 23 and 27: reference switch
6.1.6 Methods 7 and 11: reference switch and index pulse evaluation
6.1.7 Methods -23 and -27: homing run (positive/negative) to the reference switch
6.1.8 Methods 32 and 33: homing to the index pulse
6.1.9 Method 34: homing to the current position
6.1.10 Parameterisation of the homing method
6.1.11 Parameterisation of the homing run: settings
6.1.12 Parameterisation of the homing run: motion profile
6.1.13 Tab: Index pulse control
6.2.1 Global positioning settings
6.2.2 Destination parameters: general buttons
6.2.3 Destination parameters: Settings tab
6.2.4 Destination parameters: Driving profile tab
6.2.5 Destination parameters: Experts tab
6.2.6 Moving to specific positions Positioning via digital inputs Positioning via the parameterisation interface (USB/Ethernet)
Product manual BL 4000-C
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