4 Quick-start guide
Numeric input fields for changing parameters online
Figure 7: Numeric input field for changing parameters online
The windows of the Metronix ServoCommander® parameterisation program include fields
for numeric inputs. Entries can be made in the following ways:
Directly by way of the keyboard: Enter the value directly into the entry line. As long
as the entry is not complete, the text will be shown in thin print and will not be
transferred to the servo drive yet.
The ENTER key can be used to confirm the input and to apply the change
immediately. If the TAB key is used to select another input field, the changed
parameter will also be applied. The numerical value will then be shown in bold print.
Clicking the arrow buttons: The value changes in small steps (fine adjustment).
Clicking the areas between the grey boxes and the arrow buttons: The value
changes in large steps (rough adjustment).
Clicking the grey box and moving the mouse with the left mouse button pressed:
The value can easily be preset quickly over the entire value range.
The input field shows the desired value that needs to be set. The value shown on a green
background is the currently active value of the servo drive. Deviations from the desired
value may have several reasons:
The changed parameter has to be saved and a RESET has to be performed in order
to make the parameter effective.
Temporary value range overshoots, e.g. rated current > maximum current
Incorrect value ranges, e.g. when loading a parameter set of a servo drive of a
higher power class (rated current > rated device current). In this case, the firmware
accepts only the permissible values, thereby limiting the internal values to the
maximum permissible values for the device class.
Product manual BL 4000-C
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