6 Applications
Setting of digital outputs
Parameters/IOs/Digital outputs
The setting of digital outputs in the positioning mode can be used to inform a superordinate
control system that a positioning run has been, or is being, completed:
Option 1
Position setpoint = target position
Option 2
Actual position = target position
Option 3
Remaining distance up to the end of a positioning run reached
Option 4
Homing position valid
Option 5
Position trigger
The configuration of the digital outputs is described in section 7.8
As far as the second option (actual position = target position) is concerned, it is possible to
define a tolerance window in which the digital output will be set. See section 7.8.2
Configuration of the messages for the digital outputs
For option 3, trigger messages can be parameterised in the field "Message" under
Parameters/Positioning/Destination parameters
. These messages can then be output via
a digital output. These trigger messages indicate the remaining distance up to the end of a
running positioning run. See also section 7.8
In the case of option 4, the servo drive sets the digital output after the drive has been
homed successfully.
Option 5 can be used to define any positions at which a digital output should be set (see
also section 7.9
Product manual BL 4000-C
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